Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

percentage is or is supposed to be 5 per cent of the active manpower (taking into consideration 
the varying retirement ages in various countries). Regarding the world's photogrammetry and 
remote sensing manpower, it has to be determined whether such a percentage is also applicable 
to these professions and if not to find the most appropriate annual education and training per- 
centage (of the active manpower) for the world's photogrammetry and remote sensing manpo- 
wer. For this purpose the actual proportions of the photogrammetry and remote sensing man- 
powers have to be known because of the rather different educational background and programs 
for these two manpower sub-disciplines If one considers only the application of photogrammetry 
for national geodesy and base mapping and the application of remote sensing for thematic ma- 
ping only it is known that these operations on an official basis are mainly the responsibility of 
the national cartographic agencies (e.g. the Federal Survey Division in Nigeria). In this particular 
case the above mentioned proportions have been determined and have been published for the 
year 1980 in Ref. 3. According to this reference and in the year 1980 the manpowers of the 
world's national cartographic agencies included 9% in photogrammetry and 1% in remote sen- 
sing, i.e. a ratio of 9:1. However, considering the actual situation and on a global basis it can be 
assumed that at present the ratio is somewhat different due to the more rapid increase of the 
world's remote sensing manpower. It will be the task of ISPRS WG VI-I to determine the 
present ratio between the world's phtogrammetry and remote sensing people which ratio will 
be of importance for the planning of future education and training requirements of the two 
manpowers (photogrammetry and remote sensing). - 
Another question of concern to ISPRS WG VI—I will be the actual or required manpower 
densities in photogrammetry and remote sensing. According to Ref. 1, there was in the world 
and in 1980 a photogrammetry and remote sensing manpower of 150,000 people (excluding the 
sporadic manpower for strictly military associated operations), meaning that 1 person out of 
about 17,500 inhabitants was active or was supposed to be active in photogrammetry and remote 
sensing. This would give a first guideline particularly for developing countries to how many pho- 
togrammetry and remote sensing people should be available and consequently how many people 
in these fields should be educated and trained in the future and this as soon as possible. 
In order to obtain the required information on the status of available education and research 
facilities a special questionnaire was prepared (see in annexe). Copies of this questionnaire were 
or are being forwarded to all regular members of ISPRS WG VII. Specific information on 
education facilities is requested by means of the sub-questionnaires A, B & C of the questionnaire. 
|t is intended to compile and analyse whatever information are received for each sub-working 
group region as well as on a global basis. This applies in particular to the available and required 
teaching staff as well as the equipment for teaching. Also, future trends as to specializations of 
teaching staff and equipment must be indicated. Of particular interest is an evaluation of the 
presently available and required funding for photogrammetry and remote sensing education and 
As to-the presently expended annual funds for photogrammetry and remote sensing teaching 
and training, preliminary figures can be determined partially based on information contained 
in [2]. The figure on a global basis is or is supposed to be in the order of U.S. $80 million per 
year (excluding education and training for strictly military purposes). This estimation is based on 
the world's civilian annual expenditures for photogrammetry and remote sensing operations of 
about U.S. $2 billion and is derived from the fact that the world spends about 596 of its gross 
product for all education. Considering that the U.S. $2 billion represents about 0.02% of the 
world's gross product this would resuit in a portion for the education and training of photogram- 
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