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Let I be the position of the taking point of the photcgram, with re
speot to the systems introduced, for y- 3 , 0 the position for y" 0, P
the generic position and F the final position for y= 5. We indicate respec
tively with x,» A x Yo? 203 X» Y, 23 Xl Yu» Zo the respective po
sitions of the internal reference system of the camera. The axis x ooinci
des with the axis of the camera defined in the chapter 2. The axis z is in
the plane X= O.
Under the hypothesis of uniform motion, the position of I, O, P and
F are contained in a line parallel to the speed V of the airoraft. Therefo
re we define the vector S, the displacement vector of the camera per unit
of soanning angle, or else the displacement of the camera while the scann
ing device rotates by one radiant. (o) (e) (e)
With reference to the system X Y 4,9 let X ;'Y ; 2 be the
coordinates of the point O, and SX: SY, SZm» the components of S. The
coordinates of any of the perspective centres of the photogram are
(p) (9)
X, 5, A n (5,
(p) ©
t. P) s Y, P. 9
(p) (9)
Zn 57 E a a,
Referring instead to the XYZ system the vector S has only the two
components S and S , under the hypotheses made, which we briefly indicate
with S and 5 . We Introduce the angle $ which the component S forms with
o v o
the vector S, and we shall haves
S = 5%
V 0 gd
Between S e. ST and S 5 tbere exist the relations
T e Le ea
v "21° "o Xm Yr 2 Sr E To
With respeot to the system XYZ, the o i e $j any perspective
centre P of the photogram, deduced from x | Y: *, z( are
x(P) = x(°) * 8, y ») = 71°), z(») = z(?) + ys ted