Full text: Proceedings of a symposium held at University College London, 9 - 13 August 1971

the photo 
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by means 
; we shall 
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We define the azimuth rotation « between the two systems X Y Z and 
X17, T TT 
¥ Sy 
t e ol = Aa 
Y "Xm 
and then we have 
r = mene HH tt T os mea 
X | t I um 1 | e dy 
where : 
cos o -5in 06 0 
d. = | aing d. x| cos à si 0 
o Ö 
We shall now consider the tangents of internal direction t , t rela 
tive to the same point. We define the matrix M (S, d. 2 which sites the 
angular position of the camera for y = 0, the matrix Rh (5 (Pos t9 3, with 
4^ "r4. 45, 0 "JC, which defines the position of the intornal sy 
stem P, with respect to the internal system x y z in 0. 
We obtain the tangents Uxor tvos with reference to a system in FP pa 
rallel to the system x y z with the 
oo 0 
! + B | [t t (1 x (3) 
Kon heat. 0f . Lost | *. ts 1[. 8 

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