Full text: Proceedings of a symposium held at University College London, 9 - 13 August 1971

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of relati 
ve orientation of a pair of panoramic photograms oan be so expressed: "given 
the following orientation values of a panoramic photograms 
(pp) (p) p) 
X0 "(0 "()* Pee)? Pret) 8m) 2 y $0) 90) Ay Bey Cy 
and the height Z of a ground point, compute the orientation parameters of 
the second panoramic photogram". Let us take into consideration the equa. 
tions 3) pertaining to the same ground point, the inages of which are pre 
sent on two different photograms. By removing in equations 3) the subscript 
T from X? Y_ Ze and from the coordinates X >}, Y), zt») of the perspec 
tive oentres to signify that the above mentigned coordinates are referred 
to the relative orientation, we can write: 
(p) | + 
1 (1) TP Puy Gy oy Pages ty) «Fa cac 
pm Een) Sy IPecolao) *yo) "Pscolo 5o) "Pacol*zc) 
rm Jy y) P) s) S Rd; E by (1) TAS 
2) l5 * yn) rs ml: x(1) "y(1) TE ay [xr Sy (1) sc [Macey 
12 ' | 
tU) 2 des (2) "y(2) i oy tay Sy (2) tay eto) *y(2) a) cz) 
atn) ]*2) 52) Pto) ito) 5t) Pon laco) 5t) "Psclato) 
ri» i Misco ^y (2) Ao) EO € (2) «ts ko) 315) 
mr) Ico fyc Pto Fac Arco) Tyco luco) "co 
Rt) [ray 
198, (2; |* 
| p (93 X) 
(p) ; ( ) (2) = X(2) + XS x2) 
o A (p) fo) 3 
| +4 CH Fry = Tigh +X Soni) 

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