Full text: Proceedings of a symposium held at University College London, 9 - 13 August 1971

of equation 3, computations have been performed utilizing these two 
A discussion of the results will be given in Section II.3 
on experimentation with pass point selection. 
The N 
portion of the partitioned normal equation matrix for the 
triplet simultaneous solution based on the collinearity equations 
can be written as: 
N 2 p 
N = 0 N» 0 6 
18,18 6.5 
p p N, 
ES nd 
where each N; is equal to: 
. nq 
M. zoo dT. e: Di: |. 
N; T Di; Wij bij + Wi 
6:2 2,2 2,6 6,6 
is the matrix of partial derivatives of the collinearity 
equations with respect to the parameters of exterior 
is the weight matrix for the image measurements of the j 
image point on the jth photo. (Coordinates of different 
images are assumed to be uncorrelated.) 

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