normal equation matrix after each point has been shlected and
measured. If the value of this determinant is less than that of
the apriori estimate, the selection process is terminated.
11.3. Experimentation with Pass Point Selection Criterion
In order to evaluate the pass point selection technique, a series
of computer runs were made with fictitious data. The specific data
reducticn problems were those of single-phozo space resection and
relative orientation of a stereopair and of a triplet.
The data reduction programs for space resection and relative
orientation Sat an option for selecting the optimum location and
subsequently adding a measurement from this location to the solution.
The programs functioned as follows.
An initial least squares solution for the data reduction problem
was obtained using a minimal data set, for example. four image points
for a space resection or six for the relative orientation of a stereo-
pair. Using the results of this solution a prescribed set of image
coordinates on the photogranh were considered to be candidate locations
and the selection criterion v' was computed for each of these locations.
The location which gave the maximum v' was added to the solution as
shown in equation 8. After a measurement was added to the solution,
the point was tagged so that it could not be selected again. The
procedure was repeated until all remaining points were selected and