instruments themselves. Usually this implies large size and weight and often
means the strengthening of the floor on which the comparator stands. First
mention of a measuring system which made no use of a pre-defined co-ordinate
reference frame was probably made by Brown (1967), (2), (3), who recommended
the use of a trilaterative approach to plate co-ordinates determination. What-
ever reference system is desired is therefore implicit within the geometry of
the observational pattern used. The method after Brown while lacking some of
y possible with direct co-ordinate measuring machines relaxes con-
siderably the stability demands on the comparator. It also enables the co-ordi-
nates of each point to be checked, by means other than repetitive measurement,
before the model formaticn and subsequent computational stages are embarked
the efficienc
High magnification cannot be applied to any great advantage with stereocompara-
hic emulsions and low
tors due to the coarseness of grain of available photograp
contrast. Eden (1967),(4), mentions that at x40 magnification a general stereo-
scopic impression of all details on an aerial photograph is not possible because
of the low contrast of the majority of these. He further states that for magnifi-
cations beyond x12 the texture of the stereoscopic background starts becoming
woolly for stereoscopic pointing, the stereoscopic image being lost long before
x40 magnification is reached. High magnification does however offer certain
advantages which have been used to some extent in the experiments described in
this paper. By restricting actual measurement to the order of 50 microns only,
distances up to 320 mm can be measured to micron accuracy. No special stabili-
ty requirements appear to be necessary which cannot be found in a well-construc-
ted table. The purpose of the investigations nas been to show tnat accurate ana-
lytical aerial triangulation is possible with very simple measuring equipinent
and that it may be carried out reasonably efficiently in conjunction with an elec-
tronic computer having remote access and time sharing facilities. Tne I.B.M.
360/50 and remote terminal 2741 were used in the various tests.
2. The Trilateration Microscope and Measuring Procedure With The Instrument
The cost of the measuring components of the apparatus is approximately £100. 00.
These comprise a glass scale, 5 mm thick, 320 mm long and graduated to 0.1 mm;
and two microscope readers. Although only one reader is essential two are used
for the sake of convenience. Accurate graduation of the scale is desirable but as
long as the graduation lines are of fine gauge the scale is suitable. The scale used
by the writer has lines approximately 10 microns wide.
The microscope reader tubes were made 325 mm long and can be fitted with diff-
erent magnification objectives. A x15 measuring eyepiece completes the reader.
Each division of the 100 division measuring drum of the eyepiece has the follow-
ing approximate equivalents when the tube factor is 1 :
Objective Drum Division (micron)
x2 2.50
x3 1.07
x4 1.25
x6 0. 82
Variation of the tube length alters the effective power of the reader and in con-
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