Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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= Gathering relevant information from various users of 
future toponymic database 
- Creation of database concept and technological 
environment for realisation of next phase. 
The third phase would be the phase of implementation, with 
following tasks: 
E Entering the data gathered in the process of producing 
new digital Croatian Base Map (HOK) and the 
Topographic database into toponymic database 
- Entering the data gathered in the preparation for 
printing HOK into toponymic database 
- Controlling by adequate state institutions 
- Defining the procedures for maintaining the 
toponymic database. 
Along with realization of TOPONIMIS project, the parallel 
process of establishment the governmental body responsible for 
the standardization of geographical names have to be 
conducted. All participants in project, led by the State Geodetic 
Administration, should put effort in arising the awareness in the 
whole community for necessity of that decision. It can be even 
stated that all invested time and money will be in vain if no 
standardization body will not exist to approve, maintain and 
overtake the responsibility. 
In this early stage of preparing the start of future project, 
general idea of toponymic database exist in form of ideas, 
professional discussions, wishes and knowledge of realised 
databases in other countries. One fact is certain and that's the 
name of the institution that will run the database. Croatian Law 
of State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre strictly defines in the 
Article 44 that Croatian Geodetic Institute "establishes and kept 
the register of geographical names" (State Geodetic 
Administration, 1999) which give to the Institute not just right, 
but obligation to conduct and run preparation of this task. 
4.1 Source 
The ongoing project CRONO GIP (Croatian Norwegian 
Geolnformation Project) has several components (sub-projects) 
and one of them is establishment of the Topographic database 
in the State Geodetic Administration (SGA) of Croatia related 
to production of Topographic map 1:25000. According to 
project documentation (State Geodetic Administration, 2001), 
geographic names exist in that database in two forms: firstly, as 
stand-alone objects in separate Feature category, not related or 
connected to any specific topographic object and secondly, as 
attributes of existing topographic objects. The main sources for 
collecting and storing toponyms in the SGA's Topographic 
database are existing and official Topographic map 1:25000 
(TK25), existing official gazetteers (e.g. for settlement names) 
and field checking. This database will be the starting point and 
the main source for toponymic database. The reasons are more 
than obvious: professionally correct and accurate data, data 
Stored in organized, modern and documented way and very 
Strong economic reason: using existing data with investment 
only in additional and necessary procedures (standardisation, 
attribution, linkage with other databases and other that will be 
defined in the future). 
During developing phase of CRONO GIP project, some of the 
existing digital data already created in previous production of 
TK25 have been examined and for testing purposes prepared for 
uploading into the Topographic database. Following figures 
presents in graphical way position of names of the settlements 
(Figure 1), names of the geographic entities (Figure 2), the 
hydrographic names (Figure 3) and the relief names (Figure 4) 
on the same area. 
Figure 2: Geographic area names 

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