Full text: Geoinformation for practice

of modules, with which the link between the two enables the 
stereo presentation of a depth perception of visual information. 
A special equipment, called VR mobile, was constructed in 
Slovenia by the Navidez Interactive Systems Ltd. Company. 
The VR mobile is a mobile aluminium construction, which 
serves together with software to display  stereoscopic 
visualisations. It consists of different hardware parts: computer, 
projector, steering bar, polarisation glasses, projection canvas. 
The mobile has various realisations and is also equipped with a 
surround sound system. 
Figure 12. Exact model of the dome inserted in the city model | ABSTE 
The level of detail or accuracy of the model is of no Man 
importance. We can combine in the same city model very ol 
different data, in terms of levels of details or in terms of ; 
: with ne 
accuracy. To demonstrate this, an exact model of the dome was : 
: bs : financie 
entered in the model of Ljubljana (Figure 12). 
data qu 
; : ; sub con 
Hoppe, H., 1998. Smooth View-Dependant Level-of-Detail | | 
Control and its Application to Terrain Rendering. IEEE | and tha 
Visualization, pp.35-42. | few yes 
| quality. 
Janezi¢, M., Kosmatin Fras, M., 2002. Development of 3D | focus tc 
buildings database in the Municipality of Ljubljana for the | triangul 
needs of 3D location documentation. Technical report (in 
Slovene language), Ljubljana. 
The ain 
| informa 
; Authors wish to thank the Municipality of Ljubljana that triangul 
Figure 11. VR mobile for stereo display provided the data for generation of the 3D city model, financed orthoph 
the project and cooperate in the course of the project. Quality 
The connecting multi-wall stereoscopic environment achieves which 
links to the four, six or eight modules. The entire connection product. 
among modules runs with the help of the fast Intranet | 
connection, through which the software provides appropriate | Why is 
synchronisation. photogr 
| photogr. 
5. CONCLUSIONS accurac; 
3D city models are an efficient tool for environmental planning | Photogr 
and presentation of different variants of plans to the citizens. In | enterpri 
the example of the Municipality of Ljubljana, which is Nowade 
presented in the paper in more details, the produced city model availabl 
was efficiently used in the meeting of the council to discuss the | photogr. 
proposed urban plan for the city. A 3D stereo projection on a | but not 
large screen enabled the members of the council, equipped with | could fi 
stereo-spectacles, to follow the presentation as in reality. As by the | 
many spatial data is already available in Slovenia it is only a | requirec 
question of money to generate 3D models of other Slovenian national 
towns as well. | national 
It is further possible to include data on cultural heritage in city | In the 
models, especially very important buildings and monuments. In | manage 
the last decade, many 3D models of national heritage buildings | collecte 
have been surveyed with photogrammetry in Slovenia, that | control. 
could be easily added to city models. 

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