Full text: Geoinformation for practice

2.1 Request for a project 
In a letter to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 
05.11.01, the Norwegian Mapping Authority requested 
financial support for the establishment of cadastral and 
topographic map database in Croatia. Only one week later the 
Ministry allocated 10 million NOK to the project. 
2.2 Main objectives and components 
The Norwegian contribution will enable the Croatian State 
Geodetic Administration to: 
1. Strengthen the capacity to build digital cadastre 
databases through scanning of existing old maps, and 
develop and demonstrate a practical solution for the use 
of the database at regional/cadastral offices. 
2. Establish capacity to build and maintain a database for 
topographic data / maps, and demonstrate that SGA can 
service users in private and public sector with digital 
topographic data and maps. 
Establish a capacity within the Croatian Geodetic 
Institute to control and ensure quality in geographic 
data delivered to SGA from private companies. 
The project was launched immediately after signing of the 
agreement. The parties accepted an offer by ProCaptura and 
signed the contract the same day for the cadastre part of the 
Croatian-Norwegian project. 
To support the two other parts, mentioned above under points 2 
and 3, a tender was issued later. This process started early 2002 
and finally the Norwegian consultant company Project 
Management and Mapping, PMM, got the contract. A 
relationship between the cadastre project and the other parts is 
connected with point 3 and the quality control of the cadastral 
2.3 Offer from Kongsberg Scanners (ProCaptura) 
The offer from Kongsberg Scanners for the CRONO GIP I 
project includes the following equipment: 
2.3.1 Scanner: KartoScan FB III scanner with Linux work- 
station, installation, training, warranty etc. After one year 
warranty a service agreement comprises maintenance, on call 
service, and spare parts. 
2.3.2 Conversion of Cadastral maps: Data conversion of 
cadastral maps is a main goal for SGA. Kongsberg scanners 
was therefore requested to prepare an offer for a tailor-made 
Data Conversion Production line for cadastral maps with 
network, file server, raster data base, tape library, 5 work 
2.3.3 Training: Important deliverables is also training courses 
in Linux operating system, scanner operation and data 
conversion production line. In addition it was recommended at 
least 2 months consulting services. This period gives extensive 
technology transfer with experience and knowledge about data 
model, work flow, production process, logistics and quality 
assurance in order to ensure the most efficient completion of 
the Project. 
2.3.4 Production line: The Data Conversion Production Line 
is based on STVD tool kit and tailor-made for SGA’s cadastral 
maps. Extensive development was required, meaning that 
Kongsberg Scanners started with a very high ambition for the 
quality of the digital data to be produced. The first version of 
the production line was planned to be ready by July 1. 2002, 
provided that necessary input such as the data model 
specification, data conversion specification and sample scans 
could be ready at least 4 months prior to this time. 
The director generals from the Croatian and the 
Norwegian Mapping Authority, Mr. Bacic 
and Mr. Flathen, inspecting the skanner 
Figure 1. 
2.3.5 Extended support: Continued technical development is 
reducing conversion time and increasing the production. In 
addition Kongsberg Scanners will have periodic contact with 
SGA to analyze the production and to reveal possible 
bottlenecks and design improvements. 
2.4 Organizational issues 
The specific organizational and institutional environment 
should not be ignored if you want a successful implementation 
of a cadastre system. The first question is what the 
participating parties expect the system to do for them. The 
process starts with the analogue cadastre maps, converting this 
material into digital data for specific purpose: A cadastre 
system. Obvious for this implementation is organizational, 
procedural and staffing changes. 
2.4.1 Working environment: The working environment 
requires office space optimal for the hardware and for the staff. 
Temperature, light, electricity and noise need to be considered, 
just to mention some elements. 
2.4.2 Staff needed: Within the line organization a project 
needs a project team. The first step is an agreement on the 
objectives, deliverables, scope, cost and approach. Keywords 
like project organization, definition of roles, skills of the team, 
project work plan, are illustrating necessary clarifications to be 
2.5 Quality regime 
This project will supply SGA with enormous quantity of data. 
So what about quality? The general quality policy in respect to 
the production of cadastal and geographic information, resulted 
in establishing The Croatian Geodetic Institute. This institute 
will as well perform the quality control of the cadastral data 
before dissemination to users from SGA. 
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