Full text: Geoinformation for practice

Qa. 46.59 
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product in digital orthophoto map production. Heights of the 
grid are photogrammerically controlled from the year 2000. Not 
all heights could be controlled as the amount of data is huge 
(e.g. for one map sheet of 1 : 5000 there are more than 11.000 
heights in a grid of 25 m). Thus, a proper sampling method 
should be used. 
Obviously, the best method for assessment of positional 
accuracy is to compare the data in the model with height data of 
considerably higher accuracy (e.g. with geodetic measurements 
or precise GPS measurements). Due to limited finances, control 
with ground data is not possible. Therefore, photogrammetric 
measurements on analytical instruments are used for the 
purpose of quality control. 
Photogrammetric control of DEM is performed on a sample of 
the area approximately 5% of map sheets in a photogrammetric 
block. Usually, a photogrammetric block is one of 
trigonometric sections, each composed of 50 map sheets in 
scale 1 : 5000. This practically means two map sheets from one 
photogammetric block, which are chosen from the SMA. 
The following input data are provided for quality control: 
e a list of photogrammetric blocks and map sheets that 
have to be controlled, 
e  diafilms of stereophotos, 
* DEM 25 for the controlled area generated by 
e à sketch of map sheets with photo strips and photo 
e data on aerial triangulation (camera, camera 
calibration certificate, ^ orientation parameters, 
coordinates of tie and check points). 
The requirements of the model quality are = Im in open areas. 
Photogrammetric measurements for quality control are done on 
precision analytical instrument. After importing the orientation 
parameters of photos (from the same aerial triangulation that 
was used for collecting data), the tie and control points that fall 
on the particular stereo-pair are measured first. If there are no 
big differences, the operator starts with measurement of heights 
on the sample areas. The number of points is between 500 and 
600 per map sheet. There are two categories of points: points on 
open area and points in a forest. Approximately 1/3 of 
controlled points are in the forest area and 2/3 of points in open 
area. The position of control points is indicated in sketches 
added to the report. 
After photogrammetric measurements, differences on tie and 
check points are computed as well as differences on controlled 
points and a standard deviation (separately for open and forest 
area). Two files are prepared for the report: 
e complete list of control data in .mdb datafile, 
® quality control report in MS Word datafile. 
The report consists of technical report (general data, project 
team, equipment used, summary report), table of results per 
map sheet, table of differences on tie and check points, and 
sketches with indicated control points positions. 
3.5 Quality control of topographic data 
Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia 
(SMA) has started in the last few years to establish a 
topographical database in large scale, which could be 
considered also as modernized basic topographic map in scale 
1: 5000 and represents a basic digital georeferenced source for 
other spatial data. The model of topographic database in large 
scale was first established with a prototype in 1998, the concept 
was then renewed on the basis of results of user’s interview, 
some pilot projects as well as experiences with new 
technologies. In the framework of this initial production, around 
200 map sheets were produced. 
A bulk production started in 2002 and different Slovenian firms 
are collecting data in accordance with the technical 
specifications. The basic aim is collection of vector data of the 
most demanding topographic entities with  stereo- 
photogrammetric means and adoption of some data from other 
databases. The main users of the database are different 
ministries, local communities, institutions for physical planning 
and other institutions and companies (e.g. for roads, electric 
network, hydrography). Topographical database in large scale 
consists of different object classes which are divided into object 
groups and types. The object classes are: buildings, traffic 
networks, land use, hydrography and relief. The last mentioned 
class is temporarily in raster form while the others are in vector 
Figure 3. Topographic data superimposed on orthophoto map 
Buildings for the entire territory of the state were collected in 
the framework of another huge project “Real estate registration 
modernization project”. Geometry of buildings (shape of roofs) 
is thus adopted from the Central database on buildings and in 
the case of some incompleteness, this is updated in data 
collection of topographic data. From data in topographic 
database and additional sources (e.g. record on geographical 
names, state border), standard printed outputs could be 
produced (as a substitute for old analogue maps or as working 
material for physical planning). 
In addition to detailed technical specifications of the project, 
data quality assessment is provided. First, each contractor that 
collects data for topographical database is obliged to use 
internal quality control procedures, which are however not 
defined in advance. Second, the final results are controlled by 
an authorized institution. Data control encompasses formal and 
contents controls. Some phases are automated, some are visual. 

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