Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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tion capacity 
(everything is outsourced) which means there were no existing 
capacities able to handle the scan-centre and vectorisation 
facilities. At the same time existing staff needed additional 
training. At the beginning of the project it was estimated that 
four members of staff would be enough for running the scan- 
centre, the backup unit, georeferencing and to organise 
vectorisation work in the regional offices. Including work on 
topographical maps in the frame of CRONO GIP II project, 
seven people are at the moment working at the scan-centre, and 
additional three are foreseen. 
4.3.2 Scanning centre: The scan-centre is also facing a big 
demand for scanned maps in raster format beside the vectorised 
data. At the moment work is organised in two shifts. According 
to expectations of the workload which will come when 
vectorisation will run in all regional cadastre centres and from 
the Real-Property Registration and Cadastre Project, it is our 
expectation that the scan-centre will work permanently in three 
shifts. This also requests permanent support from the supplier. 
Because not all intervention can be done via the help line 
ProCaptura has entered into a partnership with the Croatian 
company Geofoto, to ensure fast and qualified support in 
4.3.3 Project results: The Scan centre became operational in 
May 2002 and in the following 14 months 5000 cadastral maps 
and almost 5000 topographical maps in scale 1:5.000 have been 
scanned. This gives an average of 715 maps per month. In fact 
at the beginning around 500 maps have been scanned per 
month, and now the average level is about 1000 sheets. 
The start up of the scan centre coincides with increased demand 
for scanned maps. At the beginning the scan centre delayed in 
delivering scanned material up to two months. Presently the 
State Geodetic Administration has achieved to deliver scanned 
material to customers within two weeks from receiving the 
Next phase of the CRONO GIP II project was delivery of 
vectorisation software together with five work stations to five 
regional cadastral offices where work will be done. This 
appeared in May 2003. together with staff training. Based on 
delivered equipment the software has been tested and findings 
have been transferred to ProCaptura for improvements. Till end 
of August, improved, bug free vectorisation software should be 
delivered, and full production should start. 
4.3.4 Technical cooperation — interesting for all parties 
It is more then obvious that well defined projects, developed in 
frame of technical cooperation benefit all sides. Recipient 
institution benefits from the: 
- enhanced production capasity (including knowledge 
transfer, installed goods or works performed), 
- technology transfer meaning that “reinvention of the 
wheel” is avoided 
- Opportunity to “calibrate” itself comparing its 
situation with the partner and 
- personal contacts of its staff and domestic consultants 
working together with the experts from the donors 
Donor institution benefits from the cooperation: 
- extended knowledge from looking into the 
organisations and systems different from the domestic 
- Increased competence of own experts and 
- based on the knowledge gathered, capacity to 
improve it's own organisation and systems. 
And finally, such projects, when they are well conducted, 
benefit also consultants and companies to perform whole or 
specific work parts of projects abroad and at home. Besides the 
explicit business opportunity they also benefit from the 
cooperation in following aspects: 
- opportunity to expand the market area 
- Opportunity to cooperate with companies from 
foreign countries and to further develop themselves 
- opportunity to expand established cooperation in third 
countries and in new markets 
- and of course increasing the knowledge of their own 
companies and involved staff. 
Crucial in this is to find a good balance between all the 
mentioned opportunities. 
4.3.5 Technology transfer - New technology 
A special aspect of projects executed in the frame of technical 
cooperation appears when, beside the technology transfer (scan- 
centre), the project also involves the implementation of new 
technology or development of new solutions (vectorisation 
software). This was the case in the CRONO GIP projects. 
Based on previous achievements by ProCaptura for automated 
vectorisation of topographical and hydrographical maps, this 
project particularly challenged the company to develop tailor- 
made software for automated vectorisation of Croatian cadastral 
As mentioned above vectorisaton of cadastral maps is a major 
challenge for the State Geodetic Administration in the 
forthcoming years, but it appears also to be major challenge for 
the software provider because of the fact that the variety of how 
cadastral maps have been drawn is big. Therefore the project 
requests maximal engagement and flexibility from all parties to 
achieve result since knowledge is split among them and all 
challenges are not visible at the beginning of the project. 
Of course developing software as such is not something 
important only for Croatian side, since there are many countries 
making great efforts in vectorisation of their cadastral maps or 
similar maps. This makes the Crono GIP project interesting and 
applicable in a much wider context than only for Croatia. 
Technical cooperation between Norway and Croatia in the field 
of land administration and cartography materialized in CRONO 
GIP I and CRONO GIP II project. The projects have lasted less 
then three years but have already shown concrete and 
measurable results. This was manageable because the project 
goals have been well specified and clear key indicators to 
measure success have been identified. Additionally both sides 
took actively part in project execution and have shown high 
devotion and flexibility. 
Based on those very basic principles and on establishing 
confidence and frank relations between the institutions and 
companies involved, the cooperation comprises all necessary 
preconditions for success. Implementing the same principles to 

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