Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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The Krizovan Cartographic Laboratory made a general 
topographic map of Croatia on one sheet at the scale 1:500 000 
for the Ministry of Defence in 1999, The map is in Lambert 
conical conformal projection of the Bessel ellipsoid, with the 
mathematical basis similar to the one on the general 
topographic map PTK 500 of former Yugoslavia. This was the 
first topographic map of Croatia at the scale of 1:500 000 made 
almost completely by digital procedures. In 2001 the Krizovan 
Cartographic Laboratory produced Military Air Navigation 
Map at the scale of 1:500 000 on two sheets: Zagreb-Zadar and 
There is a work on Croatian-Norwegian Geoinformation Project 
CRONO GIP going on. The following goals are set for this 
project and the following results are expected (URL 1). 
For topographic database: 
Objective 1: SGA shall be able to store and distribute topo- 
graphic data resulting from the production of maps in 
scale 1:25 000. 
A seamless database for topographic data shall be 
developed and implemented. 
Result 2: Data resulting from the production of topographic 
maps shall be loaded into the database. 
Result 3: SGA shall be capable of distributing data to various 
Result 1: 
For quality control: 
Objective 2: Croatian Geodetic Institute (CGI) shall be able to 
control the quality of geographic data produced by 
private companies for the Croatian Government. 
Result 4: CGI shall be able to perform satisfactory controlling 
of the quality of topographic maps and orthophotos 
produced by private companies. 
Result 5: CGI shall be able to prepare draft regulations and 
standards in line with internationally accepted 
standards, to be applied by private companies for 
assuring and documenting quality in the production of 
geographic data. 
Batié, Z., 2001. Pravilnik o natinu topografske izmjere i o 
izradbi drzavnih zemljovida, Narodne novine, No. 55, 1675- 
Buder, L, 1971. Moguénosti fotogrametrije i njihov odraz na 
savremenu kartografiju, Savetovanje o kartografiji, Savez geo- 
detskih inZenjera i tehnicara Jugoslavije, Beograd, 74-83. 
Buder, I., 1979. Obnova topografskih karata izdanja Vojnogeo- 
grafskog instituta i primena fotogrametrije, Zbornik radova, 
VGI, Beograd, 37-55. 
DGU, 1995. Kartografija u Hrvatskoj, Studija o nadomjestanju 
reprodukcijskih izvornika i obnavljanju topografskih zemljo- 
vida, DrZavna geodetska uprava, Geofoto d.o.o., Zagreb, 98 
DGU, 2000. Nacrt programa drzavne izmjere i katastra nekret- 
nina za razdoblje 2001-2005, Drzavna geodetska uprava, 
Franéula, N., 2000. Kartografske projekcije, Course materials, 
Geodetski fakultet, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, 215 pages. 
Franges, S., 2001. Topografska kartografija, Lectures, Geodet- 
ski fakultet, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu. 
Hrvatski drzavni sabor, 2001. Program drZavne izmjere i katas- 
tra nekretnina za razdoblje 2001.-2005., Narodne novine, No. 
Kovatevié, D. (head and coordinator), 1992. Studija o ustroj- 
stvu Sluzbenoga topografsko-kartografskog informacijskog 
sustava RH, Uprava za geodetske i katastarske poslove, 
Ministarstvo za za&titu okoli$a, prostorno uredenje i stambeno- 
komunalne djelatnosti Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, 40 pages. 
Kovaéevié, D. (coordinator), 1995. SluZbeni topografsko-karto- 
grafski informacijski sustav, Conceptual project, DrZavna geo- 
detska uprava, Zagreb, 75 pages. 
Kusan, V. (ed.), 1998. Sto godina fotogrametrije u Hrvatskoj, 
Zbornik radova, 100 Years of Photogrammetry in Croatia, 
Proceedings, HAZU, Scientific Council for Remote Sensing 
and Photointerpretation, Zagreb. 
Landek, I. (ed.), 2001, 2003. Katalog proizvoda, Drzavna 
geodetska uprava, Zagreb. 
Lemaji¢, S., 1998. Primjena GIS-a u izradbi topografskih 
karata, GIS Croatia 98, Proceedings, Osijek, 189-192. 
Lovric, P., 1992. Topografija, Zavod za kartografiju, Geodetski 
fakultet Sveuécilista u Zagrebu, Zagreb. 
Peterca, M., 1985. Cetrdeset godina rada i razvoja Vojnogeo- 
grafskog instituta u socijalistiéókoj Jugoslaviji, Geodetski list, 1- 
3, 5-15. 
Peterca, M., Colovi¢, G., 1987. Geodetska sluzba JNA, Vojno- 
izdavacki i novinski centar, Beograd. 
Peterca, M., Radosevié, N., Milisavljevié, S., Racetin, F., 1974. 
Kartografija, VGI, Beograd. 
Sabo, S., 1984. Neka iskustva Vojnogeografskog instituta u 
oblasti snimanja iz vazduha, 4. jugoslavensko savetovanje o 
fotogrametriji, Budva, Zbornik radova, Knjiga I, 191-202. 
Stosic, J., 1969. Opsti osvrt na razvoj fotogrametrije, Drugo 
jugoslavensko savetovanje o fotogrametriji, Novi Sad, Osnovni 
materijali, 5-33. 
VGI, 1989. Povodom éetrdeset i pet godina rada i razvoja Voj- 
nogeografskog instituta u socijalistièkoj Jugoslaviji, Zbornik 
radova, VGI, Beograd, 5-16. 
URL], 2003. Hrvatski geodetski institut, http://www.hinet.hr/ 
hgi/index1.htm (accessed 1 July 2003) 

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