Full text: Geoinformation for practice

Figure 5 Assemblage of all sheets 
Radwan , 1986 . Digital orientation notes. ITC Lecture Notes. 
James, G., 1992. Cadastral mapping for GIS/LIS. 
Fritsch, D., 1993. Photogrammetry and geographic information 
systems — Evolution instead of revolution. Photogrammetric 
Week 1993. 
Amer, F., 1979. Aerial triangulation adjustment. Tome 1 & 2 . 
ITC Lecture Notes. 
Stefanovic, P., 1975 . Aerial triangulation. Part 1. ITC Lecture 
Cho, G., 1995. Problems and obstacles to integration. 
Merrit, R. Ewan, 2000. The adjustment of spatial data using the 
parametric least squares adjustment by the variation of co- 
ordinate techniques. 
Merrit, R. Ewan, 2000. The adjustment of spatial data using the 
parametric least squares adjustment by the variation of co- 
ordinate techniques. 

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