Full text: Geoinformation for practice

& "4 À surveying van is available at the University of Trieste for 
; N pet Pa Road Information System (RIS) and data acquisition. Projects 
N 3 for the use of these tools in Central and Western Europe are 
m under development. Its GPS/INS and digital cameras equipment à 
^e s Roll 0 Rollen : = : c U 
e S. m has been successfully experimented for production of such a 
= zi ; RIS in the Province of Teramo. A Laser Scanner will be 
x : implemented on the van, for road sections surveying. 
; N & = d det 
nee me emm RUE d le 
Pitch=0 KEY 
Applanix Corporation, 2000. POS/LV Installation and 
Figure 11. Path Geometry (not in scale) Operation Cu R VS Ion 0 Maya. ABST 
Caroti, G., 2002. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Road 
16.0 — Survey with Placer/DR GPS Method. In: European Geophysical The n 
Society, Scientific Programme, Nice, France. photo; 
European Committee for Standardisation, 1995. Geographic this sy 
Data Files. The u 
Italian Ministry for Infrastructures, 2001. Road Cadastre is mac 
Technical Specifications (D.M. 1/6/2001). The a 
Manzoni, G., Barbarella, M., Falchi, E., Fangi, G., Ferri, W., terrair 
Forlani, G., Marsella, M.A., Santamaria, R., Musumeci, F., accurz 
2000. The project of a GNSS/INS vehicle for cinematic road There 
surveys and environmental monitoring, Mondo GIS Conference, digitis 
Roma. of cad 
Manzoni, G., 2001. ALB-01 Precise DGNSS/INS Road Survey 
in CEI Area. In: /nvestiguide 2001-2002 - Project opportunities 
and contacts for the CEI Region, United Nations Economic 
Commission for Europe, p. 28 Digita 
Figure 12. The Surveyed Path : E Digita 
Manzoni, G., Martinolli, S., Pagurut, R., Sluga, T., 2002. Status photog 
We obtained the expected results, as it appears in Figure 13, — 9f the DGNSS/INS van project for road survey in the CE space 
where normalised roll and pitch are shown for the initial | Countries. In: Proceedings of the EGS G10 Symposium solvin, 
segment. "Geodetic and Geodynamic Programmes of the CEI (Central à var] 
European Initiative), Nice, France, 21 - 26 April 2002, Reports differe 
Figure 13. Normalised Roll and Pitch on Geodesy No. | (61) 2002, Warsaw University of price 1 
Technology, Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy, practic 
on pp.61-64. differe 
roll pitch Manzoni, G., Martinolli, S., Pagurut, R., Palermo, C., Purga, A., 
| Sluga, T., 2003. Road survey by GIGI: status and results. To be Tw 
1 ; o 1 
A M PA x y published in: Proceedings of the Bilateral Geodetic Meeting produc 
X X 7" A X A Italy-Poland, Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy), 22-23 May 2003, Digital 
05] / / flc f ; Reports on Geodesy, Warsaw University of Technology, 
X X f ; \ | | ; S i techno 
Lf X A | JPN } 7 Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy. 
X ^ ; ; | % ! i of the 
À * ! ao d i : f 
9 m Na i3 n a Manzoni, G., Palermo, C., 2003. Il Catasto delle Strade nel mr n 
5 t } £F \ % j X progetto pilota della Provincia di Teramo, Ondaverde, 83, pp. 
i : ; NM f I-XII. 
-0.5 4 A / WA 7 X X Depen 
^ A Palermo, C., 2002. Notes on development of a road GIS using or 
“ data collected by a van mounted MMS. In: Proceedings of the di s 
Seminar/Workshop "Real Time GNSS", Trieste, Italy, 9-10 autom. 
September 2002, Reports on Geodesy No. 3 (63), 2002, er una 
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy and h Pi 
Geodetic Astronomy, pp. 105-110. photog 

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