Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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accuracy were estimated as very good (sheet Senovo) and 
excellent (sheet Krsko). This procedure is now being applied for 
production of two variants of map at scale 1:50,000 (civil 
DTK 50 and military VTK 50) and military map at scale 
1: 100,000 (VTK 100) (Petrovic et al. 1998; 2001). Up to now 
36 of 58 sheets at scale 1: 50,000 (DTK/VTK 50) and 10 of 16 
sheets at a scale 1: 100,000 (VTK 100) have been completed. 
Figure 9: National topographie map 1: 50,000 
2.3. General maps 
General maps at scales 1: 250,000, 1: 500,000, 1: 750,000 and 
1: 1,000,000 represent entire Slovenia in one single sheet. They 
are used mostly as a background for different thematic 
applications, especially for physical planning. General database 
at scale 1:250,000 is currently being constructed. It is intended 
to use it for production of one-sheet printed map and for five 
sheets of Joint Operation Graphics (JOG) map. The completion 
of this project is expected in 2003. 
Currently a number of map series and spatial databases are 
being produced in Slovenia. However, production of each of 
these maps and databases is isolated and there is no real linkage 
between their data contents, capturing techniques and quality 
characteristics. Therefore another very important project is in 
progress. The goal is to join existing topographic data and to 
assure only one data capturing for different topographic data. A 
lot of problems already appeared, but we strongly believe that in 
few years we will reach the goal. 
Petrovic D., Oven K., 2002. Geodetic Template For 
Representation Of Spatial Plans. Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, 
Petrovic D., Radovan D., Kosmatin Fras M., Rojc B.,Kogoj M., 
2001. Project of establishment, maintaining and updating of 
national topographic maps, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography 
and Photogrammetry, Ljubljana. 
Radovan D., Kosmatin Fras M., Petrovic D., Mihelic B., JaneZic 
M., Berk S., Gvozdanovic T., Fras Z., 1998. Project of national 
topographic database TOPO 5 and national topographic map 
at scale 1: 5,000 (DTK 5), Institute of Geodesy, Cartography 
and Photogrammetry and DFG Consulting, Ljubljana. 
Radovan D., Rojc B., Petrovic D., Brajnik M., Rener R., 1996. 
The strategy of topographical-cartographical system of 
Slovenia, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and 
Photogrammetry, Ljubljana. 
Rojc B., Petrovic D., Radovan D., 1998. Military topographic 
maps 1: 50,000, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and 
Photogrammetry, Ljubljana. 

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