Full text: Geoinformation for practice

garding the 
earch of the 
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hich supplies 
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The Relative 
s homologue 
ric Relative 
vhich are the 
cond image, 
b, is already 
factor À. In 
to define 9i, 
arameters of 
| ©, is Missed 
tation, as the 
Ive previous 
rameters. It is 
tting. Let us 
implies often 
surement. If 
of Relative 
f all possible 
sed group (in 
tations in the 
of Relative 
searched, but 
had to use a 
ever with the 
e Symmetric 
ric ones, and 
b. — cos Q9, cos k, 9, — arcsin b, 
b, =COS Q9, sink, b, am 
; k, = arctan — 
b. = sing, i 
RT (@,0:k, 0.0, )= R; (@,0,k, JR, (m, e) 
Ri (mo. ) = RT (m.p. k. b.b, JR! (mo ) 
The convergence of linearization of trigonometric functions is 
acceptable as far as values lower or near II/4. Therefore we 
decided to explore all the admissible values for rotation angles 
with a step of II/4, as shown below: 
Q1; K, OF Pa Kk, 
I1/2 = = 
11/4 e e 
0 e e e o e 
[1/4 ® 6 e o e 
11/2 = e e = e 
3II/4 e e e 
II e e e 
511/4 e e e 
31/2 e e e 
711/4 e e e 
Table 3. Exhaustive Research for Symmetric Relative 
Orientation parameters 
where  & k,=0 if p,=+I1/2 and/or k,=0 if p,=+I1/2 
As known, if the ¢ angle is around +Il/2, we can not 
individuate the & rotation, which is fixed equal to zero. Indeed 
in the polar zones (we assumed their range in a circle of one 
degree), the two angles are identical or quasi identical, and this 
fact produced singularity or ill-conditioning. 
The exhaustive research explored 5x8x8x5x8-12800 
possible configurations. For each case, a linear system was 
solved, using the values of this configuration (case), as 
preliminary values of the parameters of the Symmetric Relative 
Examples were carried out in all the middle points of the 
possible configuration. Considering the 5 parameters of the 
Symmetric Relative Orientation, the angles «;, 6», K; are defined 
in a complete rotation (8 configurations), whilst Qi, @, are 
defined in a half rotation (5 configurations), which led to the 
above mentioned 12800 cases. 
Each linear system.solution gave us the estimate parameters for 
the Symmetric Relative Orientation. The convergence to 
admissible values is when o, is small enough. Considering only 
the distinct solutions, we found four analytical acceptable 
Figure 4. The 4 final possible configurations 
These configurations are really different, so it is not so difficult 
to have information about the initial position of the images, in 
every specific case. Selecting the chosen case, it is possible to 
calculate the estimate parameters for the expected Symmetric 
Relative Orientation. 
In our procedure for the Absolute Orientation, the object 
reconstruction does not need preliminary parameters, because 
we can reach the exact solution, by solving the linear system, 
mentioned in an above paragraph. We tested this procedure, 
considering 208 possible configurations. These cases come 
from an object rotation following the global attitude angles (Q, 
©, K), with a step of II/4. Exam was performed analyzing the 
rotation in the space of a cube with 27 control points, regularly 
To verify precision, accuracy and reliability of these 
techniques, a program in FORTRAN 95 language (compiled 
and assembled with Lahey-Fujitsu FORTRAN 95 version 5.6) 
was written, implemented and tested. It runs on a Pentium 3 PC, 
with 933 MHz — 262 Mb / RAM — 30 GB / Hard Disk. The 
exhaustive research for the Symmetric Relative Orientation 
works in 4 - 5 seconds, while all others procedures are 
immediate. In all the examples, we introduced random errors, 
with standard deviation of 20 pm, as usual in photogrammetry. 

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