Full text: Geoinformation for practice

According to the World Bank procedures sponsors for the 
preparation phase for the World Bank loan were identified. 
Technical support for this preparation phase was funded by 
Department for International Development (DFID) of the 
United Kingdom with a grant of £594,000. On the basis of the 
competitive tender process, implemented by DFID, the contract 
was awarded to the Registers of Scotland Executive Agency, 
Ordnance Survey and Lapeco. 
In addition 3 independent consultants were used. All the experts 
who took part in the project were covered by contracts between 
themselves, or their organisations, and the Registers of 
Permanent Terms of Reference (TOR) applying to all 
international consultants were: 
e To engage, brief and work with suitable Croatian 
e To work with Croatian counterparts 
e To take every opportunity to engage in skills and knowl- 
edge transfer with Croatian counterparts, consultants and 
selected senior staff of both institutions 
e To produce full costed recommendations; separating initial 
start-up costs from operational costs over the project life 
e The recommendations reflect the wishes and requirements 
of the beneficiaries and the WB 
e Consultants assessed the technical, legal, institutional, socio- 
cultural, environmental and financial and economic feasibility 
of the preferred alternate service options for the project 
whilst developing implementation proposals. Including the 
development of an implementation schedule for all project 
components, including the design, procurement, project man- 
agement, training and implementation. Benefits and benefici- 
aries were to be identified. To determine procurement meth- 
ods and financing sources. 
All consultants had to liaise as their inputs and activities 
overlapped and the deliverables were required to be in synergy. 
Information dissemination was critical in terms of educating 
interested parties about the project and getting people interested 
in the activities. 
The Project work was divided into tasks to be carried out by 
foreign consultants, in partnership with counterparts from the 
beneficiaries and Croatian consultants. Each task was co- 
ordinated by the Project Manager and the Deputy Project 
Manager who were responsible for ensuring that the work was 
planned and implemented on schedule. 
Based on DFID's TOR and the contract between DFID, MoJ 
and SGA, the preparation phase for the World Bank loan, that 
is, the cooperation of the consultants with MOJ and SGA 
representatives started in June 2001 and was completed in 
October 2002. 
DFID stated objectives were: to provide advisory services to the 
Government of Croatia (GOC) in preparing a project including 
prioritised development plans to improve the overall land 
registration and cadastre administration in both urban and rural 
areas of Croatia. The consultants would assist the MOJ and the 
SGA in formulating project strategies and design criteria for the 
provision of land registration and cadastre services and ensure 
that the proposed investments would be financially and 
institutionally sustainable, and have positive social impacts. 
The consultancy would also strengthen project management 
skills of selected staff in the Government of Croatia. 
Another objective would be in support of European Union (EU) 
accession for Croatia, in the longer term by providing firm real 
property rights to land owners and supporting efficient and 
secure land markets with timely transaction turnaround times 
and low transfer costs. 
The DFID project prepared the required support documentation, 
finance projections and project implementation plan for the WB 
funded project. Overall the proposed WB funded project would 
support operations involving: policy and legal framework 
improvements, cadastral survey and mapping contracts, 
cadastre and registration IT systems improvement and 
harmonisation and roll-out to regional cadastre and court 
offices, data entry contracts, office renovation, procurement of 
goods and equipment, media campaigns to increase public 
awareness, studies, technical assistance both domestic and 
international, training, identification of Priority Areas to be 
Addressed in WB Project, promotion of Organisational Co- 
operation, definition of Roles and Responsibilities for Land 
Registry Management Unit (LRMU), preparation of 
procurement documentation for 1st Year of Project and 
highlighting social issues 
Project scope 
The work was divided into start-up, data collection and data 
analysis phases. 
This work involved sector and financial analysis, feasibility and 
preliminary and final design, including evaluation advice. In 
particular the consultants undertook the following tasks: 
A. Investigative Studies and Reviews: review the laws and 
regulations under the new cadastre law (LSSREC) 1999 and 
registration law (LRA) 1996, review the current status of real 
property rights in Croatia, utilise the lessons available from 
pilot projects, determine the status of the cadastre in each of the 
selected counties including the steps in transactions and fees 
payable and the role for the private sector; gauge the status of 
the land registry including the actual processes followed in 
transactions - sales and mortgages, fees, taxes; backlogs quanti- 
fication and analyses; inventory the cadastral mapping; urban 
and rural real property estate market study; the physical infra- 
structure; information technology user requirements; a social 
assessment of the likely outcome of the proposed project in- 
cluding a sample customer survey in selected registry and ca- 
dastre offices and the study of civil works needed in land regis- 
try departments included in the Project. 
B. Recommendations based on the above studies and re- 
views, needed by the Government of Croatia and the World 
Bank to allow project appraisal and negotiations for loan 
purposes: options development and recommendations for data 
harmonisation between the court registers and the cadastre of- 
fices, institutional development for the two institutions includ- 
ing progress towards the adoption of a business plan approach, 
though as a first step considering partial cost recovery in a fi- 
nancial plan setting, develop criteria to undertake area selection 
to facilitate phasing of project implementation, design of a 
training program to include project management, publicity and 
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