Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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The long-term capability of the geodynamic information system 
depends on platform-independent tool for collection and 
dissemination of data. In our view, the best way would be to 
implement the object-relational database with applications that 
communicate with the database using Java DataBase 
Connectivity (JDBC). In that manner, it will be possible to 
maintain the long-term international projects in a uniform way 
: throughout time. 
The measurement data, usually stored in RINEX format, should 
be available for various scientific institutions in order to 
validate the processing performed by others. The results should 
be stored as well, always with good metadata about the 
processing method and agency, exposed to comparison with 
results of others. Such spatio-temporal database would be used 
both by geodesists as main data providers and by other 
geoscientists for interpretation. 
The efforts on preparing the spatio-temporal models for storage 
and analysis of geodynamical data in modern form at the 
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb date back to 2000 
(Jan el and So&ko 2000). Together with the second author of 
this paper, they developed an Entity-Relationship model and 
implemented it into Microsoft Access (Figure 4). 
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Figure 3: Relational model of a geodynamic information system 
- spatiotemporal database according to (Jan el and 
SoSko 2000). 
Although the model was developed with the purpose of tracking 
CRODYN campaigns, it is generally usable for any other series 
of geodynamic measurements. The queries developed with the 
model are prototypes of many possible questions a researcher 
might have about the system. 
The first prototype of such database with JDBC technology has 
been prepared in a master thesis (Prosinecki, 2003). The results 
are encouraging, but need further development. 
Repeated satellite measurements within the projects like 
Croatian Geodynamic Network (CRODYN), Central Europe 
Regional Geodynamics Project (CERGOP), Geodynamic 
Network of the City of Zagreb and several local geodynamical 
projects in Slovenia yielded a huge amount of observations and 
derived results. Especially CERGOP has integrated a 
considerable part of geodynamic research in Central Europe, 
established a large number of collaborative activities, exchange 
of information and perhaps most notably - mutual trust and 
understanding among the participants. The goals of recently 
started Fifth Framework European Commission project 
CERGOP-2/Environment are among others to support local 
area geodynamic research, environmental studies, seismic 
hazard assessments, meteorology. All these results should be 
systematically organized into geodynamic databases. Such 
databases must include the temporal component beside the three 
spatial components. Application of JDBC technology is 
promising since the platform independence guarantees long- 
term stability of the data and results. Object-orientation as the 
dominating trend is easily followed because Java is an object- 
oriented language which seems to become the industry standard 
of the future geoinformation systems and services. 
Altiner, Y. 1999. Analytical Surface Deformation Theory for 
Detection of the Earth's Crust Movements, Springer Verlag. 
Altiner, Y., Marjanovi¢-Kavanagh, Medak, D., Medic, Ze 
Prelogovi¢, E., Pribicevi¢, B., Seliskar, A. (2001): Is Adria a 
Promontory or does it exist as an Independent Microplate? 
Proceedings of the EGS G9 Symposium "Geodetic and 
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Initiative)", Nice, France 25-30 March 2001. Reports on 
Geodesy No.2. Warsaw University of Technology, 225-229. 
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System (IGGOS) as IAG's First Project. (accessed 1. July 2003) 
http://www.gfy.ku.dk/-iag/iggos prop. june. 03.htm. 
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geodynamics. Awarded student paper (in Croatian), University 
of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy. 
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the City of Zagreb - First Results. The Stephan Mueller Topical 
Conference of the European Geophysical Society: Quantitative 
Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard Assessment, September 22- 
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Environmental Studies in the Region of Plitvice Lakes. 
Proceedings of the EGS G9 Symposium "Geodetic and 
Geodynamic Programmes of the CEI (Central European 
Initiative)", Nice, France 25-30 March 2001. Reports on 
Geodesy No.2. Warsaw University of Technology, 219-224. 
Prosinecki, K. 2003. Database of Geodynamic Network of the 
City of Zagreb founded on JDBC technology. Master thesis (in 
Croatian), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, 61 p. 
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