Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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adjustment by independent models, for which a Procrustes 
solution has been recently developed (Crosilla, Beinat, 2002). 
The mathematical formulation of the global adjustment begins 
with the GPA model, extended to consider partially weighted 
configurations. The general form of the Procrustes problem 
assumes therefore the following expression (Commander, 
S - V tr(c AT, + jt, —c, A,T,—jt,) D,D, p »,| Wie 
(c, AT, * jt, — c, A, T, — jt, ) = min 
where D; and D, are general diagonal weighting matrices of size 
pxp. It can be demonstrated (e.g. Borg, Groenen, 1997) that the 
condition expressed by Formula (4) is equivalent to: 
m mA ^ 
S-Y t(cAT, it, -À) D(cAT »it,- Ájzmm 0) 
where À , called the geometric centroid, is given by: 
A= 3 D, Jl Sp, (cA,T,+jt,) (6) 
and represents the least squares estimation of the real 
configuration matrix A (Crosilla, Beinat, 2002). 
This second formulation can be managed and computed more 
easily than the previous expressed by Formula (4). Equations 
(5) and(6) in fact, are computed iteratively, and matrices A; are 
continuously updated, until a predefined convergence threshold 
is reached. This event represents the GPA best fit solution. 
The algorithm that makes possible to update, at each iteration, 
every data matrix A; (i=1...m) with respect to matrix À. is 
due to Schoenemann and Carroll (1970). Its description, by the 
same formalism adopted in this paper, can be found in Crosilla 
and Beinat (2002). 
One fundamental advantage of the generalised formulation for 
the weighted case is the capability to account for situations of 
missing corresponding points between matrices. To this aim, an 
efficient solution is due to Commander (1991). Every D; can be 
considered as the product of a proper weight matrix P; by a 
Boolean diagonal matrix M;: 
D, -M,P, - PM, (7) 
M; is automatically defined, and associated to every matrix A, 
Its diagonal components are 1 where the corresponding 
elements (rows) of A; are effectively defined, and zero in all the 
other cases. Referring to Figure 4, the diagonals of the M; 
matrices associated to the corresponding A; are: 
diag(M,)=[1 11 0 0 0 0 0] 
das(M.)-[o 7111 09 0 0 
dez({M,}=[0 0.1 1 11 0 0] 
Ay p | Polygarnı 
5 j d 1 d$ 
f 8 0 
ibid ] Polygon 
0 06 0 3 
0 9 
Figure 4. Fiducial polygons, matrix description, and fiducial 
point correspondences. 
For better understanding how the GPA problem with missing 
points can be set out, we have represented all the matrices A, 
with the same size, that is the same coordinate dimension and an 
equal number of points, although not all are actually defined. 
Ideally, every A; contains as many rows as the total number of 
fiducial points to be adjusted. 
For the algorithm implementation this assumption does not 
represent a drawback. In fact, the apparent waste of computer 
memory resources can be avoided introducing and managing 
variable size arrays by way of usual programming techniques. 
The software implementation deserve some additional remarks. 
Practically, the two stages in which the network adjustment has 
been divided, that is the initial identification of the most 
probable size and shape of every fiducial polygon configuration, 
and the following reciprocal best fit of the different ones, are 
performed simultaneously. Every measured polygon assumes a 
proper global weight, as a function of the accuracy and of the 
survey techniques adopted for its determination. 
A rigorous evaluation of the Procrustes adjustment model 
capabilities, to solve problems relative to the cadastral mapping 
recomposition in the presence of different kinds of errors, can 
be done if the true measurement values are available. To this 
purpose, a real situation has been artificially created, 
considering a network of fiducial points with fixed coordinate 
values. Afterwards, various kinds of errors have been inserted 
into the original data, simulating in this way incorrect 
measurements surveyed in the field. The solution of the 
classical least squares adjustment of the individual polygon 
sides, and of the entire polygons by conformal Procrustes 
algorithm, leads to adjusted values that can be directly 
compared to the originally fixed values, permitting, in this way, 
a significant analysis of the precision and of the reliability of the 
two methods. 
4.1 Description of the simulated network 
A two dimensional network of 30 vertexes has been considered. 
In order to simulate a real spatial distribution of the fiducial 
points, the vertexes have been located with a reciprocal distance 
varying between 227 m and 1153 m; the total area covered by 
the network corresponds to 5.7 km”. The network is composed 
of a series of triangles and polygons whose vertexes represent, 
in reality, the fiducial points used by the technicians to 
reference the various surveys. In this way 70 polygons have 
been artificially generated, and some of them are characterised 
by common fiducial points. 
Furthermore, some fixed points have been identified within the 
network, that is points of high importance for the Cadastral 
Administration, or points whose coordinates have been 
determined with a high precision (for instance by GPS). Their 
choice depends on: 

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