Full text: Geoinformation for practice

Geoinformation standardisation (GI) is necessary for the 
purpose of establishing the system for capturing, production, 
maintenance and exchange of spatial information. 
By defining the standards in the field of geoinformation and by 
their application we obtain spatial and non-spatial data ready 
for transfer (exchange) with various users, applications, systems 
and locations. 
The organisations having a leading role in the production of 
norms and resolutions in the field of geoinformation and 
technical protocols are the following: 
*- ISO/TC 211 (International Standards 
Organisation) TC 211-Technical Committee in 
the field of geoinformation systems 
= OGC (OpenGIS Consortium) 
«  W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 
3.1 ISO — object-oriented modeling 
The introduction of various standards in capturing, production 
and maintenance of spatial information has stimulated the 
possibility of their usage in various applications not depending 
on the source of their creation. 
For the purpose of describing the conceptual scheme (data 
model) and the object catalogue, a formal language for data 
description UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been used 
according to the valid recommendations of ISO/TC 211 
technical board for geoinformation (the technical board dealing 
with issuing the norms in the field of spatial information). 
The standardisation of spatial information is important for the 
purpose of establishing the spatial information transfer systems 
among various users, applications and systems. 
The following ISO norms belonging to the operation domain of 
the technical board 211 will be used for the production of 
cadastre data model: 
= 19103 — Conceptual Shema Language — describing 
a unique language for modeling the data structure of 
spatial information 
= 19 107 — Spatial Subschema - defining and 
prescribing the conceptual scheme needed for 
defining the spatial characteristics of object types 
= 19 108 - Temporal Schema - describing the 
production of conceptual scheme for geoinformation 
time characteristics 
= 19 115 - Metadata — describing the scheme for 
descriptive data (meta data) 
= 19 118 - Encoding — describing the rules for coding 
spatial and non-spatial data described previously in 
conceptual schemes 
= 19 136 — Geography Markup Language (GML) — 
foreseen norm, early phase, studying GML.3.0 of 
3.2 OMG - Unifed Modeling Language 
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the language for object- 
oriented modeling enabling visualisation, specification, 
construction and documenting of the program support system. 
UML offers a standardised way of planning the systems, 
covering conceptual issues as business processes and system 
function, as well as concrete items with the classes written in 
some program language, database schemes and reusable 
program components belonging to them. 
Apart from the development process itself, the modeling 
language is an important component in all methods. Modeling 
language is a notation, mostly graphical. 
Good models are key issues for the communication between 
project teams in order to provide the productivity. Along with 
the complexity of the system increasing, the importance of 
good modeling technique grows as well. There are many 
additional factors necessary for the success of the project, but 
the key factor is the possession of a well-defined modeling 
UML was developed by OMG (Object Management Group), in 
the 90-ties of the last century. OMG is an unprofitable 
organisation occupied with issuing software standard, that 
provides data distribution, wide interoperability between 
Pursuant to ISO standards, the application scheme is obligatory 
for the purpose of defining the methods clearly both for 
receivers, as well as for data designers. Application scheme is 
described by UML class diagrams. According to the standard 
19 109 Rules for application schema, the UML application 
schema will be formed. The standard 79 118 prescribes the 
rules of conversion (generating) of UML application schema 
into XML schema. 
UML helps in specifying, visualisation of software system 
model, including the structure and design in such a way that all 
demands are unified. 
The modeling helps in the achievement of 4 goals: 
= models help in the visualisation of the system being 
Observed or is wished to be built, 
= models provide the specification of a structure or 
system behaviour, 
= models offers the patterns serving as a guide in 
building a system, 
= models document the decisions made. 
UML is used for creating the spatial databases as it has been 
suggested in ISO standards 19 xxx. The Figure presents the 
example of modeling to be used for cadastre databases. 
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Figure 3. Cadastre Database modeling with Rational Rose tools 
3.3 W3C - eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a standardised 
encoding schema enabling the coding of complex documents 
and their 
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