Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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resolution) panchromatic satellite images in order to improve 
the geometrical information content. For delineating census 
enumeration districts the same images were used. 
FOMI provided continuous consultancy during the project 
period for city planning and area development experts in order 
to make them acquainted with the new technology, i.e. with 
information possibilities supplied by satellite images. At the 
same time, this helped FOMI to be informed on the demands of 
a new circle of users, the enlargement of the practical 
application of remote sensing procedures and, last but not least, 
by acquiring useful information. 
2.3 General description of the satellite imagery used 
During the project, delineation of the urban agglomeration and 
the test of delineating enumeration districts defined two 
requirements against geometric resolution of the satellite 
images. At the very beginning of the project original resolution 
of about 20 rheters of the satellite images seemed to be 
satisfactory, but later a need for a higher resolution (of some 
meters) raised. At first, application of the images made by the 
French satellite SPOT was planned. Results of a test for photo 
interpretation showed a non-ambiguous separation of the 
vegetation. As the reason of this phenomenon the lack of the 
middle infrared band was established. 
The aim of the next investigation was to find the type of 
satellite images containing the middle infrared band necessary 
to make the appropriate photo interpretation. The Landsat TM 
and the Indian IRS-1C LISS III sensors have the required 
spectral resolution; the difference between them is in their 
spatial resolution. Size of pixels of all Landsat TM bands is 30 
x 30 meters. Spatial resolution of the first 3 bands of the IRS- 
IC is 23.8x 23.8 meters and that of band 4, middle infrared 
band is 70 x 70 meters. 
For the IV level interpretation of Zugló we used at first a 
combination of IRS-1C multispectral and PAN images with 24 
m and 6 m resolution, but it didn't give the required geometric 
information at the scale used (1:10 000), therefore the necessary 
resolution was achieved using the KVR-1000 2 m resolution 
image, merged with the IRS-1C multispectral image. 
e land use classification for the whole area of Budapest 
according to CLUSTERS level II by photo-interpretation of 
colour photo hardcopy of the IRS-C LISS satellite data on a 
1:50.000 scale, scanning the transparencies and 
vectorization of the result 
e land use classification for the whole area of the Zugló 
district according to CLUSTERS level IV by photo- 
interpretation of paper colour hardcopy of the IRS-C LISS 
in conjunction with KVR-1000 satellite imagery on a 
1:10.000 scale, scanning the transparencies and 
vectorization of the result 
2.4 Pre-processing 
During the transformation performed in the first phase of the 
project it was found that transformation of band 4 should be 
performed separately as it was not fitted to the bands 1, 2 and 3. 
To improve the geometric transformation we looked for a 
procedure which doesn't change the spectral information or 
changes it only in a minimal degree. After due consideration the 
HPF (High Pass Filter) method was selected (Chavez 1991). In 
case of the IRS-1C, gradient of the Band 2 with a spatial 
resolution of 23.8 meters was added to the Band 4 with the 
resolution of 70 meters.. 
2.5 Supplementary data used for processing and 
classification procedures 
1. Map of the Budapest agglomeration providing 
information on the area 
2. List of 78 localities belonging to the Budapest 
agglomeration in conformity with the most recent 
relevant decision. FOMI obtained the digitized 
administrative boundaries of these localities from the Pest 
county cadastral office, in order to get an accurate 
delimitation. Pest county cadastral office provided this 
database containing administrative boundaries of the 
localities digitized on the highly accurate cadastral base 
maps in the scale 1:4000. This database consists of about 
14 000 co-ordinates of boundary points. Therefore the 
delimitation of the agglomeration on the satellite images 
was carried out with high accuracy. 
3. FOMI's Department of Spatial Information provided us 
with the highly precise digitized database containing 
district boundaries for the total area of Budapest. 
4. Topographic maps at scales 1:10.000, 1:50.000 and 
1:100.000 were also used. 
5. 1:12 000 to 1:30 000 scale colour infrared and B&W 
aerial photos (images taken in 1990-1996) 
6. FOMI's Department of Spatial Information also 
provided us with digitized topographic data prepared on 
the basis of topographic maps at a scale 1:100.000, in 
EOV co-ordinate system. 
7. FOMI's Department of Spatial Information also 
provided us with digitized topographic data prepared on 
the basis of topographic maps at a scale 1:100.000, in 
EOV co-ordinate system. 
8. City planning maps published by Zugló Municipality. 
Zugló municipality provided us with the town-planning 
scheme of the district at a scale 1:10.000, also available in 
digitized form, and with the digital cadastral co-ordinates of 
the district. This co-ordinates were transformed into the 
merged satellite photomap with high accuracy 
Table 1 
Satellite data used and geometric correction parameters 
Type of satellite data Date Number of Spatial Number of RMS 
bands Resolution GCPs 
IRS-1C LISS-III 10.08. 1996 4 1,2,3:23.8m 109 20.8 m 
IRS-1C PAN 30.05.1996 1 5.6m 108 2.7m 
SPOT XS 10.08.1996 3 20 m 77 11.6m 
SPOT-PAN 18.04.1996 1 10 m 77 6.8 m 
KVR-1000 05.1992 1 2.7m 23 24m 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 79 

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