Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Crop areas in Hungary, 1997 Crop yields in Hungary, 1997 
by FOMI RSC and CSOH* by FOMI RSC and CSOH” 
a 6000 4 
I — 
3 $ = 
8 e m "1 : 
= = 1 | 
Í 2 
: y 
a 9 m. 
5 Bi 
S é yl > Pu A 
S rs ry p ESS EEE BES Pty yy / p 
4? s ss Mes e od aa 
"in “Production data of the main agricultural crops, 1997”, | rOMI RSC 
Jan 14, 1998, Central Statistical Office, Hungary EA CSOH 
Fig. 5.a.b. 
Crops area assessment (Fig.5.a.) and yield forecast (Fig.5.b.) in Hungary, 1997 
by remote sensing (FÓMI RSC) and by traditional methods (CSOH). 
Winter wheat yields Winter barley yields 
per county and Hungary per county and Hungary 
6500 5500 
6000 - 
^ 5500 - __ 5000 1 A 
$ 5009 - $ 4500 7 ® ^el 
= 4500 - 4000 - ew *^ 
Q 400 . 5 3500 - 
uU Ww; © 3000 
= 3000. ud 
>, 2500. = 109" 
2000 - ” 2000 + 
1500 T T T T 7 1500 +— T T T 
1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 1500205525000. 2:243500.2. 254500... 5800 
yield forecast, FOMI RSC (kg/ha) yield forecast, FOMI RSC (kg/ha) 
Maize yields Sunflower yields 
per county and Hungary per county and Hungary 
2000 I 3000 
8 7500 + > 
2500 + 
= a | ? ol 
2 = 2000 + 
5 4500 + e * 9 n! - 096 
- Q > 
= 300. S 15007 . 
jd * R? - 0,96 S ? 20,90 
1500 | + + + + ; 1000 + + + 
1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 
yield forecast, FÓMI RSC (kg/ha) yield forecast, FÓMI RSC (kg/ha) 
In the 5 years period of 1991-96 (excluding 1994) the predicted county average yields (e) correlated very well with the final CSOH 
data. The predicted average yield to the entire country fitted even better (A). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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