Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

The primary yield forecast model (see 3.) performed well. There 
were two reasons to develop robust yield forecast model: 
- the need for a parallel, independent technique to control the 
primary yield forecast model extrapolation (see 3.) from 
the average yields of the directly monitored counties to the 
entire cropland in Hungary and 
- the need for a stand-alone method that uses only very basic 
land use information (e.g. CORINE Land Cover data base - 
Büttner et. al., 1995) beyond the NOAA AVHRR series 
and directly be applied to all the individual counties and 
also for national crop production forecast. 
The pre-processed and normalised NOAA AVHRR data set was 
temporally filtered. The average reflectance profile and the 
NDVI could be decomposed in time by a thorough spectral- 
temporal correlation analysis. This substantial analysis showed 
an extremely strong relationship between the predicted county 
yields by this decomposition method and the CSOH data (Figs. 
6.a.-d.). The county data set comprises a 5 years period in which 
the low and high ends of yields occurred. The model seems to 
be strong, independent from the year and area. Some hilly, 
mountainous counties or those that were covered very sparsely 
by the given crop had to be omitted from the analysis. Having 
the performance of this model by county (r’=0,85-0,96) the 
country level yield prediction seems to be very reliable (r^ = 
0,93-0,99). These preliminary results suggest that a reliable 
yield prediction model can be set up. 
Both the validation of the developed remote sensing based crop 
area assessment and yield forecast methods plus the first 
operational monitoring and crop production forecast campaign 
(1997) in Hungary clearly demonstrated that these methods can 
be efficiently applied. Substantial background and investment is 
certainly needed. About 300 man/year was invested by FOMI 
RSC in the framework of the Hungarian Agricultural Remote 
Sensing Program (1980 to date). The first operational 
monitoring was designed very strictly by the Ministry of 
Agriculture, Hungary, according to its existing operational 
production forecast and monitoring system. 
Remote sensing could be very efficiently used for precise crop 
area estimation and provision of crop maps. The results suggest 
that the necessary classification performance can be obtained in 
most of the cases, therefore the analysis could be cost effective. 
The investment to achieve this seems to be worthwhile. 
The new combined AVHRR and Landsat TM or IRS-1C LISS- 
III. or SPOT based crop monitoring and yield prediction models 
and the approach performed properly and efficiently in a more 
counties' area application and also for the entire country. The 
second, the county level AVHRR based crop yield prediction 
model worked very well and seems to have a real potential on 
areas, having quite different cropping pattern. 
After the first year, further assessment and gradual extension of 
remote sensing into the information system of the Ministry of 
Agriculture is under way. Together with the gradual expansion 
of the direct target area from 6 counties to the whole country 
more and even earlier reporting dates are planned. This system 
- 1s supposed to operate parallel to the existing dynamic system of 
MoA for monitoring area and crop development, plus yields of 
the most important crops in Hungary. 
The whole HARSP (1980-) and in particular the recent NCMP 
(1993-96) have been supported jointly by the National 
Commuttee for Technological Development and the Ministry of 
Agnculture, Hungary. Formerly, the Hungarian Academy of 
Sciences, since 1992 the Hungarian Space Organisation have 
also given both financial and scientific support to the program. 
The major operational crop monitoring and production forecast 
program from 1997, on is being supported by the Ministry of 
SAI, EC Joint Research Centre (Ispra) generously supported a 
natural vegetation monitoring study by pre-processed NOAA 
data for 1991-95. 
Csomai, G., dr. Dalia, O., Gothar, A., dr. Vamosi, J., 1983, 
Classification Method and Automated Result Testing 
Techniques for Differentiating Crop Types, Proc. Machine 
Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, West Lafayette, USA 
Csornai, G., dr. Dalia, O., Farkasfaly, J., dr. Vámosi, J., Nádor, 
G., dr. Vámosi, J., 1988, Regional Vegetation Assessment 
Using Landsat Data and Digital Image Analysis, Proc. 5" 
Symp. ISSS Working Group Remote Sensing, Budapest, pp. 
Csornai, G., dr. Dalia, O., Farkasfaly, J., Nádor, G., 1990, Crop 
Inventory Studies Using Landsat Data on Large Area in 
Hungary, Applications of Remote Sensing Agriculture, 
Butterworths, pp. 159-165. 
Puyou Lascassies P., Podaire A., Gay M.: Extracting Crop 
Radiometric Responses from Simulated Low and High Spatial 
Resolution Satellite Data Using a Linear Mixing Model: Int. J. 
of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, no. 18, pp. 3767-3784, 1994. 
Büttner Gy., dr. Csató É., Maucha G.: The CORINE Land 
Cover-Hungary Project, GIS/LIS'95 Central Europe, Budapest, 
Hungary, 12-16 June, 1995. 
Csornai G.: Towards a satellite based national monitoring 
system in Hungary, Eurisy Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, 15- 
16 Mai, 1997. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 113 

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