Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

temporal resolution (1/2 day), which makes it easier to acquire a 
cloud free image in a certain time period. 
A pilot study has been carried out to investigate the potential of 
NOAA/AVHRR imagery to produce a geo-referenced land cover 
data base. In particular improvements of the spatial accuracy of 
the 10-minutes PELU were investigated. Test-sites were selected 
in various agro-climatic regions in Europe: the Netherlands, 
Eastern Spain, Austria and Western Poland (Mücher et al., 1996). 
The responsibilities for Austria and Western Poland were taken 
by the Austrian Research Centre in Seibersdorf, Austria and the 
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw, Poland 
respectively. Emphasis was laid on the classification experiments 
at the test sites in the Netherlands and Eastern Spain. 
Both original multi-spectral 10 bit NOAA/AVHRR data (5 
channels) and derived Normalised Differential Vegetation Index 
(NDVI) composites were used. 
Land cover information from classified Landsat TM imagery was 
used as training samples and as reference for checking the results 
of the classification. Supervised classifications (maximum 
likelihood) were performed multi-temporally on the multi-spectral 
original NOAA/AVHRR data. 
Thanks to the availability of high quality reference data, a solid 
multi-temporal data set and the fact that the Netherlands are 
characterised by intensive land use conditions and relatively large 
homogeneous regions, the supervised classification results were 
very satisfactory. 
However, the individual classes can often not be distinguished in 
regions where the land cover is heterogeneous and the transition 
between the various land cover classes is vague. A good example 
is the coastal region of Spain. 
The results for the test site in Poland show that the accuracy of the 
classification increases with the homogeneity of the 
NOAA/AVHRR pixels. For Austria the classes grassland and 
mixed forest were difficult to distinguish due to similar spectral 
reflectance on the selected images. Here, the use of a DTM 
improved the accuracy of the classification. 
3.1 Introduction 
A l-km land cover database can play a role in improving 
agricultural statistics and in monitoring alarm situations like 
drought. Although the pixel size of l-km does not allow 
identification of individual crops, regions mainly in use for 
agriculture can be discriminated. Crop specific information can be 
obtained afterwards by applying high resolution satellite data. The 
meaning of the l-km land cover database is to stratify 
homogeneous regions and to extrapolate crop specific 
information as derived from high resolution satellite data to obtain 
information at national and continental level. 
3.2 Problem description 
A so-called Vegetation Index (VI) can be calculated. Comparing 
VI time series with those of previous years or with other areas it is 
possible to assess comparative yields and to search for drought 
indicators at various levels: local, national and European. Various 
methods have been developed to map regional transpiration from 
scanned reflectance and temperature maps. In combination with 
crop growth modelling, effects of drought periods on final crop 
yield can be accounted for using transpiration maps as derived 
from remote sensing images. 
This study attempts to integrate crop growth modelling and 
satellite remote sensing. Two tools which are different in many 
aspects. Crop growth modelling is essentially very detailed, but for 
regional applications data sets are difficult to collect. Assumptions 
and generalisations are unavoidable. In the case of CGMS the 
spatial resolution of weather variability is determined by the grid 
size (50x50km) and soil variability by the EC soil map 
(1:1000000). Simulations take place per combination of soil type, 
weather grid cell and crop type. For each combination time series 
of crop growth are produced with timesteps of 1 day. Because this 
is an accumulating state variable, output at 10 day intervals is 
sufficient to describe the whole agricultural season. 
In the case of remote sensing the spatial and temporal resolutions 
are contradicting. Platforms with a high overpass frequency (e.g. 
NOAA-AVHRR, 2 images per day) have a course spatial 
resolution (1x1km?). Sensors with high spatial resolution (e.g. 
Landsat-TM 30x30m?) have a low overpass frequency (every 16 
days). Also the type of data is different. Environmental and 
management effects on the crop are lumped together in the 
measurement. For a unique interpretation of remote sensing 
derived parameters additional information about the underlying 
processes is required. 
This paper addresses two remote sensing techniques, moreover the 
link with crop growth modelling is discussed. The first technique 
relates Vegetation Indices (VI's) derived from satellite remote 
sensing to Leaf Area Index (LAI) and ground cover. VI's are a.o. a 
measure for green biomass, which is accumulated during the 
growing season. Bouman (1995) discussed the use of VI's as 
forcing function in crop growth modelling and as calibration tool. 
The second technique is the evapotranspiration estimation based 
on remote sensing derived surface reflectance, surface temperature 
and VI's. In contrary with VI's, evapotranspiration is a state 
variable, which does not allow interpolation in time between 
measurements. Therefore as forcing only few estimated rates can 
replace simulated values. In the case of evapotranspiration the link 
of remote sensing with crop models is one of validation (absolute 
values) and comparison of regional patterns. 
3.3 Description of the test site. 
This paper focuses on the MARS action 4 sample site of Seville, 
Andalusia, Spain. For this site 4 SPOT images, 3 Landsat-TM 
images and daily NOAA-AVHRR images are available for 1992. 
All three sensor types are used to make vegetation index profiles. 
Evapotranspiration maps of the area are only based on the 
available Landsat-TM images, because of the necessary thermal 
infra-red band. The resolution of the AVHRR sensor (1.1 km at 
nadir) dictates that the NOAA vegetation profiles can not be 
considered crop specific because of the small parcel size in the 
Seville region. From the daily images 10-day maximum value 
vegetation index composites are derived. 
4.1 Applied Vegetation Indices 
Optical reflectance of crops is determined by the interaction of 
solar radiation with the crop canopy. From the late sixties, this 
interaction process has been extensively studied and canopy 
reflectance has been shown to be related to interesting crop 
growth variables such as Leaf Area Index (LAI) and fraction 
ground cover (e.g. Suits, 1972; Bunnik, 1978). For accurate 
estimation of these variables, so-called Vegetation Indices have 
been developed that are a combination of reflectance values in 
visible and near-infrared wavelength bands, like the Normalised 
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): 
NDVI=(IR-R)/(IR+R) ) (D 
144 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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