Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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where IR and R are the reflectance in the infrared and red range of 
the electromagnetic spectrum respectively. 
To correct for soil background reflectance Clevers (1988) defined 
the so-called Weighted Difference Vegetation Index (WDVI): 
WDVI=IR-(IRs/Rs)R (2) 
where IR, and R, is the infrared and red reflectance of the bare 
soil respectively. 
This WDVI is used for estimating the Leaf Area Index LAI 
according to the inverse of an exponential function: 
LAI=1/a*In(1-WDVI/WDVIe) (3) 
with a and WDVI” as two empirical parameters. Bouman et al. 
(1992) confirmed the exponential relationship between LAI and 
WDVI. They empirically found consistent parameters for various 
years, locations and growing conditions for some main agricul- 
tural crops, like sugar beets, potatoes, wheat, barley and oats. 
The advantage of WDVI is its higher saturation ceiling for 
biomass than NDVI has and therefore the WDVI has a greater 
sensitivity to changes in biomass. NDVI is widely used because it 
is less sensitive to differences in view angle and atmospheric 
conditions (which are considerable in NOAA/AVHRR images). 
WDVI and NDVI profiles are made from NOAA/AVHRR 
composites, Landsat- TM and SPOT images. 
4.2 Comparison of satellite derived data and CGMS- 
4.2.1 Regional average profiles using high resolution satellite 
Based on the combined use of the high-resolution (HR) derived 
crop classification and the CORINE land cover database, 
concerning irrigated and non-irrigated land, crop specific 
vegetation index profiles are composed of the 7 HR satellite 
images for winter wheat and sunflower for both irrigated fields 
and non-irrigated fields. A baseline is subtracted from the VI 
values to correct for the different radiometric characteristics of the 
two sensors used, and for differences in atmospheric conditions 
between the different observation dates. 
The mean curves for the whole study area are displayed in Figure 
1. The simulation results using the standard data sets for this area 
are also plotted in this figure. 
For winter wheat the decrease in simulated LAI due to ripening of 
the crop is clearly shown. It is also in agreement with the decrease 
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in NDVI as derived from the available satellite data. Both 
simulated LAI and observed NDVI reveal a difference in 
vegetation development between irrigated land (potential growth) 
and non-irrigated land (water-limited growth).The available 
satellite images allow to monitor the final part of the winter wheat 
growing season only. For sunflower the entire growing season is 
observed. Simulated crop growth agrees well with the observed 
NDVI-profiles. For sunflower the differences in vegetation 
development between irrigated land and non-irrigated land are 
also clearly visible. WOFOST simulations indicate insufficient 
water availability for rainfed sunflower crops for the first days in 
May. This corresponds to the satellite observed differences in 
NDVI profiles. In the next section field specific situations are 
4.2.2 Field specific profiles of irrigated and non-irrigated 
In this study, calibration of WOFOST is based on field specific 
profiles. Sunflower has been selected as an example to indicate 
the use of remote sensing in calibration of crop simulation, 
because the available HR images cover the whole growing cycle 
for sunflower. For selected fields individual NDVI and WDVI 
profiles have been made. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the field- 
average profiles of irrigated and non-irrigated sunflower. The 
profiles indicate differences between irrigated and non-irrigated 
land in total biomass amount and in the date of maximum LAI. 
Also the earlier saturation of NDVI compared to WDVI can be 
seen for irrigated situations in these figures. 
4.2.3 Regional average profiles using low resolution satellite 
In addition to the analysis of HR satellite data also vegetation 
index profiles as derived from NOAA/AVHRR satellite data have 
been analysed. The increase in NDVI in the beginning of the 
growing season is negligible, while WDVI clearly shows a 
stronger relation with crop growth. On the other hand WDVI is 
more sensitive to atmospheric disturbances as the dips in the 
WDVI-profile are much larger comparing to the NDVI-profile 
(Nieuwenhuis et al. 1996). 
For the test-site in Spain relatively small scale agriculture is 
found. NOAA/AVHRR is not well-suited to obtain crop specific 
information. In addition to the poor resolution of 1 km, the 
geometrical distortion of the images of the Seville test-site caused 
severe problems. 
Figure 1 Simulated LAI (bold and dashed lines for irrigated and non-irrigated plots respectively) and observed NDVI (Wl; irrigated 
plots, 0: non-irrigated plots) for winter wheat (lett) and suntlower (right) using high resolution satellite data for Seville 1992 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 145 

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