Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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om 30.07.97 
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The determination of the accuracy of the extracted water areas has 
not yet been finished and will be performed on the basis of a 
comparison with the aerial imagery taken during the flood event. 
The first results confirm, that in general the error of the 
determination of the water-land boundary is nearly of the same 
magnitude as the geocorrection rms error and depends mainly on 
image resolution. Misclassification are in the frame of about 3 to 
7.5 % and can be connected with vegetation standing in the water 
of flooded areas and with wind effects on the water surface. 
2.1.4 Land cover determination. The investigation of the 
land cover was carried out on the basis of multitemporal Landsat- 
TM images. The data used were acquired in 1995, 1996 and 1997 
at different vegetation stages. For the determination of the classes 
to take into account for the classification an experimental land 
cover class nomenclature of the Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde 
was applied, which was especially designed for hydrological 
investigations and includes 13 relevant classes: 
Dense built-up 
Loose built-up 
Decidouos forest 
Coniferous forest 
Mixed forest 
6. Agricultural fields 
7. Grassland 
8. Orchards, Winery and tree nursery 
9. Fens and heath 
10. Water 
11. Bare soil 
12. Dumps. open cast mines 
13. Rocks, glaciers 
Nd 2 PD = 
In the study area 11 out of these 13 classes could be found, rocks 
and glaciers (class 13) as well as orchards and winery (class 8) did 
not exist in the given region. 
The data processing was carried out in the well known multitem- 
poral land cover classification steps including the determination of 
vegetation indices like the NDVI, the correlation assessment and 
reduction with PCA and the hierarchical supervised classification 
based on an maximum likelihood criterion. The classification 
results after each hierarchical step were evaluated using ground 
truth information from different sources (topographic maps, 
CORINE data. airborne images. field data). This comparison led if 
necessary to modifications in the supervising reference class 
signatures. The classification of urban areas, which is especially 
difficult with remote sensing data, was supported by an interactive 
correction of the settlements based on the PCA transformation of 
the Landsat- TM data. 
2.2 Photogrammetric analysis 
The photogrammetric data processing was based on the 
following sources: 
e aerial color images (scale 1:23000) of the area Guben- 
e airborne scanner images, taken by DPA, with a ground 
resolution 0.27 m of the area Hohensaaten-Stützkow 
2.2.1 Photogrammetric processing of the aerial color 
images. In the preprocessing phase the images were scanned 
with an resolution of 15um in 3 bands. For a better data 
handling only the red band was taken into digital photogram- 
metric processing. The necessary number of ground control 
points have to be digitized from topographic maps, because 
there were no field measurings during the flood-period. There- 
fore the product data precision is limited to the acurassy of the 
used 1:10000 scale topographic maps. In addition to that the 
- ground control point definition was difficult because of the 
water cover and cloud shadows. 
As a result there were found a sufficient number of ground 
control and tie points for bundle adjustment, DEM generation 
and stereo measuring. The DEMs will be used for 
orthophotorectification. On its base we document the water- 
land boundary at the moment of data acqusition in three 
dimensions. This helps to calibrate flood models for future 
flood warning and management systems. 
2.2.2 Processing of digital airborne scanner data. During 
the photo flight missions the new digital photogrammetric 
equipment DPA was used for data aquisition too. With its 7 
channels it allows to store panchromatic stereo images for 
measuring aims and multispektral nadir images for thematic 
work simultanously. 
During the photo flight data from inertial systems were 
recorded synchronously to the image data. This allows to 
adjust image geometry which was disturbed by flight motions. 
The resulting image becomes geocorrected by integration of 
DGPS data and, where available, by ground control points. 
The storage of inertial data allows to take data along a nonli- 
near track, for instance the river axis. The resulting line 
position error can be eliminated in the preprocessing phase. 
This technology was tested on the Oder river in the area of 
Frankfurt/Oder to Küstrin and in the area from Hohensaaten to 
Gartz. In the preprocessing phase there were some problems 
with the INS data intergration into image data. In the vicinity 
of Hohensaaten the Oder river turns about 80? to the right. For 
INS data integration this causes a change of the x- and y-axis 
directions. Therefore the image had to be split into parts 
before and after the turn and process them separately. 
Additionally, during such a flight the plane motion is much 
more dynamical, so a greater number of image lines had to be 
considered in a single preprocessing step. As the operational 
memory for this procedure was limited a lower resolution than 
the original data had to be selected to process them. 
The resulting rms error in geocoding of the whole image is 
1.8 m thus being smaller than the cartographic precision of the 
ground control point source. The data product is planned to 
use for documetation of the flood and for calibration of flood 
models, too. 
As mentioned above, one of the experiences of the Oder river 
flood was the lack of an efficient and practicable information 
system for assessing and forecasting the flood situation in the 
total Oder catchment area. Besides the need to improving 
hydrodynamic models (precipitation outlet) we have also to 
consider problems concerning the international data 
availability and the possibilities of the data exchange and an 
insufficient consideration of Earth Observation data within the 
decision making processes. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 187 

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