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resource being monitored. The subclasses define the
particular set of counter and gauges that are applicable
to a particular type of resource. Gauges give
instantaneous measures of some quantity. Each type of
resource being monitored may have a distinct set of
counters and gauges that apply only to that type of
Reporting of Scheduled Statistics. A complete
performance monitoring system deals with not only the
collection and storage of performance data but also how
the data is reported. The system can simply use a
command to read the attribute values of the relevant
instances of current data, performance event record and
history data.
Reporting of threshold Crossings. The performance
data is saved at the end of the interval or reported at
some scheduled point in time. In many cases, it is
desirable to notify the administrator immediately when
some event occurs. Managed objects of threshold data
contain the thresholds and hysteresis levels associated
with the counters and gauges of current data. If a
counter or gauge in the current data passes a threshold,
a notification is issued. The managed object instances
of current data and managed object instances of
threshold data are related by a relationship. This
relationship is used to allow for different ways of using
thresholds. Changing the threshold affects the
monitoring of many managed object instances.
6.3 Application
The information of performance monitoring can be
used to complete performance management of rural
land system. The performance management
functionality is broken down into different functional
units (Balzer, et al., 1982). Functional units represent
sets of capabilities and provide a way for the central
system and rural land element to inform each other of
which uses they can support. Various functional units
are supported by the model. The only additional object
classes required for performance monitoring would be
subclasses of current data, threshold data, and possibly
an event forwarding discriminator.
In this scenario, the managed object instances of
current data will be created by the element. For each of
the resource, such as rural land and soil being
monitored, the element would instantiate an
appropriate managed object of current data. The
instance of current data would be contained within the
managed object representing the resource. The element
selects the options such as the performance summary
interval and set of counters and gauges. The current
data object instances would point to one or more
threshold data objects that define the conditions
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
causing the spontaneous performance reports to be
Performance monitoring information in rural land
system describes the status and events associated with
an object or a group of objects under scrutiny. Such
information can be represented by individual status and
event reports.
7.1 Events
Managed object can be defined not only as a
representation of a managed resource but also as part of
the performance monitoring system. The status of an
object is a measure of its behavior at a discrete point in
time and is represented by the current values of a set of
status variables contained within a status vector. An
event is an atomic entity that reflects a change in the
status of an object. The status of an object has a
duration in time; an event occurs instantaneously.
Three kinds of events are of interest in the monitoring
system as the followings.
(1) A control-flow event represents a control activity
and is associated with a control thread.
(2) A data-flow event occurs when a status variable is
changed or accessed.
(3) Process-level events show the creation and deletion
of processes. They describe the interactions and data
flow between processes.
7.2 Interfaces
The interface of a managed object can be divided into
two part as the followings.
(1)An operational interface supports the normal
information processing operations, fulfilling the
main purpose of the service provided by the object.
(2)A management interface supports performance
monitoring and control interactions with the rural
land management.
7.3 Information Generation
Monitoring information is generated by object
instances, where software or hardware probes or
sensors detect events or generate status and event
reports. À sequence of such reports is used to generate a
monitoring trace.
Status Reporting. Status reports contain subsets of
values from the status vectors and may include other
related information such as time stamps and object
identities. Status reporting criteria define which
reporting scheme to use, what the sampling period is,
and the contents of each report.