complicated socio-economic objects are scarce, the relief is
mostly homogeneous and vegetation cover is negligible. The
noticeable lack of reliable knowledge on environmental high-
latitudinal processes and their impact on Arctic archipelagoes
requires, from the very beginning, complex regional monitoring,
comprising both the entire unity of terrestrial features and wide
terrestrial coverage.
Limited possibilities of modern satellite remote sensing usually
do not allow for the investigation of submarine and subterranean
objects, and the main object of complex satellite monitoring is
related with a particular locality, i.e. ground surface with all its
visible natural and man-made features accessible for direct
remote observations. Moreover, spaceborne surveying does not
immediately allow for a comprehensive analysis of functional
interdependencies in the high Arctic environment. One barrier to
such investigations is the manyfold increase in the number of
thematic studies requiring field research in situ which can be
very problematic if it has to be carried out under severe Arctic
conditions. The study of spatial relationships rather than
functional interrelations between terrestrial objects falls in the
category of topography, and in order to exactly determine the
subject and methodology of the present studies the term
topographic monitoring has been suggested (Sharov 1997, b).
2.2 Topographic aspects of monitoring
Topographic monitoring is defined here as a systematic
topographic-geodetic survey of a concrete place, locality, region
or separate topographic objects aimed at the detection, analysis
and forecast of actual and potential topographic changes. The
main tasks of topographic monitoring are accordingly formulated
as follows:
e determining areas and modes of topographic changes;
e identifying topographic features that do not change or have
remained almost unchanged throughout the period of
observation and can serve as a tiepoint for the measurement
of terrestrial changes;
e forecasting future topographic changes and documentary
representation of results.
A flow chart explaining the logical sequence and contents of the
principal stages of topographic monitoring is given in Figure 1.
The ultimate aim of topographic monitoring is to provide new
(not obligingly cartographic) reliable information on
- the current state of a particular locality;
- values, rates, and acceleration of topographic changes;
- regions or separate objects undergoing extreme (maximal,
minimal) changes;
- topographic change forecast.
In any remote region characterized by rather poor topographic
knowledge, the reliable and representative results of satellite
topographic monitoring would provide a good basis for deciding
on the revision of available standard map series and for
determining the required scales and intervals of topographic-
geodetic surveys. Representative information on topographic
changes is also important for taking administrative measures that
may become necessary to prevent negative consequences of
current changes.
In general, the complement of topographic objects under
observation depends on the working scale of monitoring and can
be defined by analogy with the information requirements for
topographic maps at a particular scale. In practice, dynamic and
labile features such as glacial landforms, shorelines,
hydrographic networks, some elements of original relief
(stonefalls, nunataks, bars etc) and areas of pioneer vegetation
are of special interest for satellite topographic monitoring in high
Arctic areas. Both quantitative geometric alterations and
qualitative changes, e.g. changes in the category of a topographic
object or the type of natural borders, may be investigated by
topographic monitoring.
If typical rates V of topographic changes in Arctic region are
supposed to be known, then principal requirements for the
contents of topographic monitoring, such as interval,
detailedness (spatial resolution) and accuracy can be defined
depending on the working scale M. If remote sensing imagery is
used directly as a base for monitoring, the linear equation
relating a monitoring scale number M to the required image
ground resolution A given in meters can be presented in the
following form
M =5000-4 . (1)
On the other hand, spatial resolution of spaceborne image data
must be sufficient for the detection of typical topographic
changes in the investigated region. Hence, the following relation
ASV-AT, (2)
where AT denotes the time interval between observations.
Then, the required interval can be determined as follows:
A se A 2 (3)
V. 5000.V
where coefficient c = 3 + 5 depends on the task, object type and
image data, and shows that for reliable detection, measurement
and visual representation the size of spatial changes must not be
smaller than several elements of the image resolution. If typical
rates of change v=V/M are given at /:M scale and expressed in
mm/a, then relation (3) can be transformed into the following
AT =0.2:c/v. (4)
Hypothetical parameters of topographic monitoring, obtained on
the supposition that V = 10 +50 m/a, are given in Table 1.
Multitemporal spatial data
collection (surveys)
Data preprocessing (calibration,
correction, coregistration)
Semantic analysis of images
(topographic interpretation,
f 7
Change forecast
Change detection, measurement,
Topographic and topological
classification modelling
Y od
Representation of results Controlling operations
(cartographic outputs, (ground control, quality control)
conclusions, commands etc) Fig 1.
Principal flow chart of topographic monitoring
202 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998