Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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coastlines, hydrographic network, morains, etc., were manually 
vectorized in spaceborne images, and the resultant graphic 
features were registered to the corresponding aerial images by 
uniting homologous tie points with a root mean square error of 
48 pixels or € 12 m on the ground. Finally, the relative 
differences in position of “old” and "new" natural boundaries 
were measured. The measurements, have shown essential 
changes in the glacial environment and shorelines of FIL. 
Several specific values of glacial changes revealed in this study 
are summarized in Table 4. 
Table 4. Planimetric values of glacial changes detected in FJL 
N | Island Glacier name | Glacier Mean value 
(No), type* size. km 2 of change, 
n km 
l Becker Suvorov,ice cap 25.5/8 -1.0,..1.2 
2 | Brady N2, outlet SO0/NE 1-025...037 
3 | Champ N12, outlet 31.7/ NW - 0.42 
N13, outlet 18.8/N - 0.8 
4 | Greely N12, outlet 7.41] W - 0.5 
5 | Hall Sonklar, outlet, | 46.7/SE | -2.0...4.0 
ice shelf 
Hoffmann | Adamov, isl. Ice 52.8 - 0.3...0.45 
7 | Hohenloe | N5/N6, ice cap 14.0 x 
Hooker Yurij, outlet 12.5/ NW - 1.4...1.6 
Obruchev, outl 47.375 - 1.8 
Sedov, ice cap 10.2 - 0.1...0.12 
Churlyonis,i.c. 11.3 = XX 
9 | Kane N2, ice cap 1.6/8 30.1...0.13 
10 | Karl N17, outlet, | 26.2/ NW -1.0...1.1 
Alexander | ice shelf 
11 | Kuhn Snow field 0.85 / E 
N4,slope.glacier 0.4 / SW - 0.05 
12 | Leigh N8, ice cap 13.178 - 0.25 
Smith snow field 0.178 
13 | Lutke N4, ice cap 8.2 - 0.05 
14 | McClintock | NI8, outlet, 45.6 / N - 0.75...0.9 
ice shelf 
15 | Nansen N9, ice cap 5.8 -0.75...1.2 
16 | Prince N24, outlet, | 42.6/E -0.65...0.7 
George L. | ice shelf 
17 | Salisbury Eastern, outlet, 49.0/ E + 0.5 
ice shelf 
18 | Wilczek Famous, outlet | 382.4 /E - 1.0 
Land Impetuous, 137.9/N * 0.6 
outlet, ice shelf 
19 | Ziegler Natalie, ice cap 2.7 - 0.15...0.3 
*) data are given in accordance with the Catalogue of Glaciers in 
FJL (1965); **) planimetric changes could not be detected. 
Table 5. Areal changes in glacier cover in FJL in the course of 
N | Parameter \ Year 1953* | 1993 Difference 
km? (96) 
1 Ice-free land area, 2,399 2,432 +33 
km? (1.38%) 
2 | Glacierised area, 13,735 13.525 -210 
km? (1.53%) 
3 | Total area, km” 16,134 15,957 2177 
4 |Index ofglaciation, | 85.13 84.76 - 0.37 96 
*) data adopted from the Atlas of the Arctic (1985). 
Table 5 gives the changes in total land area and glacier cover 
having occured in FJL in the period from 1953 to 1993. The 
present areal extent of glaciation in FJL was automatically 
measured on the basis of a controlled mosaic composed of five 
rectified KATE-200 images. The image distortion caused by the 
influence of the Earth's curvature and camera tilts was 
compensated. Moreover, the image data were processed in two 
different ways to enhance ice-free areas or glacial bodies. The 
precise delineation of all glacier areas was performed and ice- 
free areas, glaciers and aquatories were represented by different 
opaque colors. 
In total, seven different image histograms were calculated, each 
representing the number of classified pixels depending on the 
delineation approach. 75,818 pixels, or 0.8% of the total number 
of pixels, which could not be definitely classified, were 
proportionally distributed over all three classes. The average 
value of the pixel size was defined as 98.3x98.3 square meters 
on the ground, and the areal extent of glaciation in FJL as well as 
the total area of the archipelago was determined by averaging 
between seven estimations. The accuracy of the final estimation 
is evaluated as + 0.8%, which is not worse than that of manual 
planimetric measurements in aerial photographs and available 
maps performed by O. Vinogradov and T. Psaryova in 1965. 
The same  image-to-image registration technique was 
successfully applied for uniting the KATE-200 image mosaic 
with the available topographic map of FJL published in 1989/90 
at 1:500,000 scale. The planimetric accuracy of this combination 
covering the entire archipelago is characterized by a rmse value 
of € 125 m. Figure 4 shows a small fragment from the resultant 
composite, in which planimetric changes of shoreline at Hall 
Island are clearly visible. 
Fig. 4. Fragment from synthetic map representing coastal 
changes at Hall Island 
The data obtained lead to the conclusion that the most essential 
changes in glacial cover and in the total area of the FJL 
archipelago have resulted from marine abrasion and active 
calving of ice shores. The amount of inland glacial retreat is 
evaluated as being, at least, six times smaller than the amount of 
withdrawal attributable to the calving of ice shores. A 
comparison of old aerial images and available maps with 
CORONA imagery taken in the first half of the 1960-s did not 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 205 

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