Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

show any drastic withdrawal of glacial borders in FJL and led to 
the assumption that the most significant destruction of ice shores 
and shelves occured nearly simultaneously in all places and 
probably not later than 30 years ago. The impact of present 
epeirogenic movements and seismic factors on topographic 
changes in the archipelago has already been discussed in 
(Kostka, Sharov 1996, b). 
3.2 Joint photogrammetric processing of spaceborne optical 
and radar images 
An original approach called stereophotoradargrammetric has 
been offered for further increasing the correctness, detailedness 
and consistency of topographic modelling in FJL. This method is 
based on merging precision radar imagery with the graphic layer 
obtained by stereoplotting from KATE-200 photographs. The 
rectified KATE-200 digital image has a ground pixel size of 25 
meters, and ERS-I-SAR image data acquired practically 
simultaneously over the same area could be registered to the 
optical image, since they have similar ground resolutions. 
However, direct fusion of these heterogeneous image data did 
not provide the desired results. Significant difficulties were 
brought about by the different appearance of radar and optical 
images having different geometries. Topographic objects above 
sea level are displaced towards the subsatellite track in the radar 
image and outwards in the photographic image. Therefore, only 
layer-by-layer transformation could be applied in order to 
correctly perform radar-to-optical image registration, which, 
however, would require extremely long computing times due to 
the large image size. The lack of reliable information on ERS-1 
orbital parameters renders this approach practically impossible. 
if only ground-range radar images are available. 
Since the transformation of the graphic layer requires much less 
computing time, it was decided to combine graphical elements 
with the ERS-1-SAR image by transforming the graphic layer 
itself. In order to fit the radar image, all planimetric features in 
the graphic layer and contour lines were shifted layer-by-layer 
towards the ERS-1 subsatellite track. The shift value can be 
calculated from the known formula for estimating the layover 
displacement in the radar image caused by the influence of relict 
D=p- sincos” (122) _sincos (1) | (5) 
p pJ | 
The meaning of variables D,p,H,Ah is explained in 
Figure 5, and equation (5) can be rewritten as follows 
D= het 04), (6) 
in which the angular measure of layover @ can be 
approximately derived as 
a zx —-ctgO: (7) 
H 8 
The X,Y-components of the shift were calculated in accordance 
with the following equations 
AX = Ah-ctg0-cos(180 — 8)/ M 
and AY = Ah-ctg0 -sin(180 —- B)/ M, (8) 
where Ah is the elevation of a contour line with reference to the 
current sea level, 0 is the local incidence angle of radar 
illumination for the test site, 5 is the local directional angle 
(azimuth) of the satellite path and M is the model scale 
denominator. The position of the subsatellite track was 
preliminarily modelled on the basis of three adjacent radar image 
scenes obtained from descending orbit of the ERS-1 carrier, and 
the azimuth of satellite flight was estimated as 230? (See Fig. 6). 
radar beam 
p - slant range 
altitude // 
; NY 
"4 le 
Fig. 5. Layover distortion of radar image 
-AY direction 
— àY 
graphic symbol À B 
se OX P 
Corresponding point of Y 
radar image 
Fig. 6. On the calculation of X, Y- shift components and 
determination of corrections 0X. 0Y 
All shifted contours and planimetric features were superimposed 
on the corresponding fragment of an ERS-1 radar image, which 
had been appropriately transformed (scaled and oriented) 
beforehand to fit the shoreline on the graphic layer. At steep 
satellite-faced slopes, the shifted contours sometimes intersect 
each other and the shoreline, thus representing the layover 
distortion of SAR-images. A cyan mask screened sea-ice floes. 
The resultant product was called radar composite (See Attachm.) 
Such a product allows for a more reliable interpretation of small 
islands, separate rocks, moraines, nunataks, ice shores and ice 
divides. The distribution of different glacial zones, including the 
belt of superimposed ice and the snow-line position, can be 
determined accurately. Besides, inverse radar-to-optical layer- 
by-layer transformation has become possible, because a 
sufficient number of control points with known elevation are 
marked in the radar image. This means that all additional 
elements derived from the radar composite can be 
cartographically presented in optical image maps. The advantage 
of such an approach is that thematic glaciological information, 
which can be distinguished in SAR imagery, can be combined 
with conventional topographic information to enrich the content 
of environmental models. 
Investigations on the practical implementation of such an 
approach have led to a nontraditional solution to the accuracy 
control of stereoplotting and cartographic vectorization. It 
simply consists in analyzing the differences (OX, ÓY) between 
the positions of the transposed graphical features and those 
depicted in the radar image (See Fig.6). Planimetric 
206 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
(a) a 
of re 

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