Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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Elmar Csaplovics, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Dresden, Germany 
Commission VII, WG 3 
KEY WORDS: Space Imagery, High-Resolution, Environmental Monitoring, Regionalization 
Regional environmental monitoring highly depends on medium to large scale topographic and thematic mapping of 
landcover and landuse. Mapping the spatio-temporal dynamics of landcover change is an essential condition for 
environmental and ecological modelling. Environmental information systems set up on a regional level have to focus on 
the integrated analysis of multitemporal high-resolution remotely sensed data. Existing non-operational photographic 
and forthcoming operational digital space-borne earth observation data provide or will provide users with highest 
geometric (<2m) and medium spectral (VIS,nIR) resolution imagery. It is thus evident that environmental scientists and 
ecologists interested in large scale multitemporal 3D-thematic mapping of landcover will increasingly use earth 
observation data with high spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions. 
La cartographie thématique de l'environnement à l'echelle des regions dépend des informations actuelles en haute 
résolution sur l'utilisation du sol. Les camerás russes KFA et KVR sont les liens entre les images satellitaires en 
résolution moyenne et les photographies aériennes. Au moment (avril 1998) les photos satellitaires russes représente 
encore les seuls images de la télédétection ayantes une résolution geómétrique de 2m sur terrain. Plusieurs groupes ont 
annoncés le lancement des satellites de la télédétection avec une charge utile des instruments de prise de vue avec 
une résolution définie par des pixels de 1m (P) et 4m (XS) pour l'année 1998. Les systémes des informations 
environnementales à | “echelle des regions ont besoin d ' integrer les données satellitaires en résolution très fine. Si les 
difficultés actuelles du lancement des ces satellites devront étre surmonter, les écologists vont utiliser les images 
satellitaires en résolution géometrique, spectrale et temporale plus fine de plus en plus pour augmenter | ‘efficacité de 
la cartographie environnementale à les echelles 1:10000 au 1:5000. 
Regionales Umweltmontioring bedarf hochauflósender Daten der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung. Aus Fernerkundung 
und GIS gewonnene Zeitreihen der Veránderungen der Landnutzung sind essentielle Grundlagen für ókologisches 
Modellieren in bedrohten Naturráumen. Derzeit verfügbare hochauflósende photographische Fernerkundungsdaten der 
russischen Satellitenmissionen (KFA,KVR) bieten Bilddaten mit geometrischer Auflósung von bis zu 2m im 
panchromatischen und de facto 8m im bispektralen (R,nIR) Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums. Für 1998 
angekündigte Missionen von NASA und privaten Firmenkonsortien in den U.S. sollen diese Bildqualitáten bis zu 
Auflösungen von 1m (P) bzw. 4m (vis,nIR) verbessern. Es ist zu erwarten, da(3 diese multispektralen, im operationellen 
Modus multitemporal verfügbar seinwerdenden Satellitenbilddaten den hohen Anforderungen an regionales Monitoring 
von Landschaften im Sinne umweltrelevanter ókologisch determinierter Themata weitgehend entsprechen werden und 
demzufolge ein brisanter und umfassender Anspruch an methodische und anwendungsorientierte Forschung besteht. 
1. INTRODUCTION community is still (April 1998) waiting for the first high- 
resolution remote sensing satellite to be launched into a 
Limited planimetric and height accuracies as well as 
spectral resolutions of spaceborne sensor data are still 
impediments for operational topographic and thematic 
mapping in scales 1:25000 and larger. Operational space- 
borne CCD-systems with a geometric resolution of 4m in 
a VIS * nIR-mode and 1m in a P-mode as well as along- 
track stereoscopic data acquisition allowing the 
determination of heights with an accuracy of +5m have 
been announced by U.S.agencies for 1997 and 1998. 
After the failure of Lewis of NASA with its Hyper- 
Spectral Imager (30m-resolution with 384 spectral 
channels between 0.4um to 2.5um and 5m- 
panchromatic) in August 1997 and the failure of EarlyBird 
of EarthWatch (3m-panchromatic and 15m-multispectral 
data in the G,R and nIR) in December 1997, the user 
stable orbit and to work operationally. Actually it is 
Spacelmaging having announced launching of its 1m- 
resolution Ikonos 1 already for December 1997 and now 
announcing a postponed launch definitely for spring 
1998. The Kodak-CCD-camera system on board of 
Ikonos 1 is designed to collect 1m-panchromatic and 4m- 
multispectral (B,G,R,nIR) data. 
Thus panchromatic imagery of IRS-1C and IRS-1D 
sensors is still the spaceborne digital earth observation: 
(EO) data with the highest geometric resolution available 
- 5.8m nominally, though limited radiometric resolution 
of the data decreases de facto resolution to about 8m. 
Furthermore semi-operational Russian space photography 
of the KVR-1000- and KFA-3000-cameras is still the only 
spaceborne data with a geometric resolution better than 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 211 

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