Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

5m (2m-panchromatic). Photographic and digitized KVR- 
1000 and TK-350 data are distributed by joint ventures 
of Russian with European or U.S. agencies, thus 
providing the users with 2m-panchromatic (KVR-1000) 
and 10m-panchromatic (TK-350) data. DEMs with up to 
+ 5m height accuracy - on condition that GPS ground 
control informations are collected - are on offer. At the 
moment this is the highest resolution spaceborne 
imagery on market (April 1998). 
The changing patterns of landscape - may they be 
influenced by natural processes and/or human activities - 
have to be analysed carefully in order to understand 
multi-temporal dynamics of landcover and landuse. 
Remote sensing facilities allow the documentation of 
state and dynamics of these real world patterns. Multi- 
level monitoring of heterogeneous land-scape patterns of 
either semi-natural or cultural vegetation sensu stricto 
needs well-defined interpretation methods (Küchler et 
Zonneveld, 1988). 
Depending on the patterns of landscape represented by 
elements of landscape structure and the specific remote 
sensing methodology of monitoring and mapping these 
elements - on the one hand vector data of visual 
interpretations of aerial photographs or satellite image 
prints, on the other hand raster data of digital image 
interpretations - different a priori approaches for areal 
subdivision of regions are necessary. The hierarchical 
structure of regions implements regionalization of data 
based upon the holistic understanding of ecosystem 
analysis. Multi-spectral classification of raster data of 
satellite sensor systems is sometimes interpreted as an 
objective criterium for areal subdivision. Nevertheless 
accuracies of in praxi research proof the subjectiveness 
of results depending f.e. on efficiency limitations of 
automation of landcover pattern recognition and texture 
analysis or on the various reference levels of analysts 
when choosing training samples for supervised 
classification (Csaplovics, 1992). 
It is thus evident, that sophisticated thematic analysis of 
the forthcoming generations of high-resolution EO-data 
needs a revision of classification tools in the sense of 
integration of semi-automatic expert system solutions 
(visual interpretation + digital classification, decision 
trees) and/or software packages including both tools for 
radiometric image enhancement as well as various tools 
for texture analysis up to contextual multispectral 
classification of multitemporal and/or multisensor data 
(e.g. Duhaime et al., 1997, Edwards et Lowell, 1996, 
Friedl et Brodiey, 1997, Lark, 1996, Thakur et Dikshit, 
The presentation of the results of pilote studies on 
regional environmental monitoring supported by Russian 
KFA and KVR space photography with ground resolutions 
of about 2m (P) and 7-8m (R + NIR) respectively gives a 
first impression of the pros and cons of the announced 
spaceborne CCD-data. 
Case studies focus on multithematic environmental 
monitoring aspects of a national park situated in the 
border region of Austria and Hungary about 50 km 
southeast of Vienna. The so-called Fertó Tó National Park 
was established in 1992 corresponding to the criteria of 
the International Union for Conservation of Nature and 
Natural Resources (IUCN). Primary and secondary zones 
of the park cover about 150 km?. All around these 
protected zone wine-growing, single crop farming (predo- 
minantly maize), exploitation of land for housing and 
commercial use as well as for establishing touristic 
facilities are the reasons have changed the patterns of 
landcover dramatically. Environmental monitoring of the 
National Park itself and of the whole region of Fertô T6 - 
Hanság is of growing importance for the documentation 
of the status quo of landcover and landuse as well as of 
the multi-temporal dynamics of degradation and the 
resulting influences on the ecological quality of the 
protected regions. 
The synthesis of high-resolution remotely sensed and 
geo-data is an effective way to create an integrated 
geographic information system for documentation, 
analysis, planning and decision finding and thus 
supporting the tasks of the National Park management 
authorities (Csaplovics, 1993). 
Multi-level remote sensing techniques in connection with 
field work and mapping are tools for the multi-scale 
analysis of a broad variety of thematic and spatial 
parameters such as landcover, vegetation physiognomy 
and even the spatial distribution and density of migratory 
bird habitats (Csaplovics, 1987, Stoms et al., 1992). 
Large area coverage combined with high. spatial 
resolution on the one hand but limited spatial resolution 
in detail - compared to the quality of aerial photography - 
on the other are the antipodes of efficiency. 
Interpretation of KVR- and KFA-space-photomaps for 
supporting large-scale topographic and vegetation 
mapping show positive results (figure 1). 
A synthesis of digital BW-aerial-photomaps derived at 
about 10-15-year-intervals with annually available digital 
BW-space-photomaps proves the efficiency of the 
documentation and analysis of multi-temporal dynamics 
of landscape transition based on remotely sensed image 
Digitized data of KFA-3000-space photography and the 
corresponding aerial photography (Zeiss PS1, scan 
resolution 15um - pixel size 1.5m vs. 0.45m) shows 
significant differences in grey levels of objects due to 
different dates of data collection, different film 
sensitivities and changed landcover patterns. As the BW- 
film used with the KFA-3000-system is sensitive in red- 
edge adjacent near infrared wavelenghts (710nm), 
vegetation and soils appear brighter than in aerial 
photographs. Detectability of geometric features such as 
small houses is better with aerial photography - limits are 
set by the artificially spoiled resolution of the KFA-3000- 
photographs. Selecting higher resolution with the 
photoscanner shows therefore no siginificant increase in 
detectability. Data fusion and pseudo-colouring of 
geometrically corrected images gives concrete 
informations on locations and thematics of landcover and 
landuse change. Digitized KWR-1000- and KFA-3000- 
photographic data (pixel size 15ym) show - to some 
extent - topographic and thematic details comparable to 
the information content of aerial photography (figure 2). 
Large scale photogrammetric mapping of landcover 
change by analysing multitemporal BW-' and CIR-aerial 
212 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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