Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

following the described method are plotted in Figure 8. The 
concentration of curves in the mid-temperature regions clearly 
shows the unseparability of the related classes by using this 
feature alone (compare Figure 2). 
We did not consider here the surface slopes which affect 
the incident solar flux and hence also the surface temper- 
ature. Surface slopes lead to misclassification in almost all 
albedo based classification applications too (Wiemker 1995), 
(Wiemker 1998). 
An algorithm has been proposed which separates a given 
scene into vegetational and non vegetational regions. It solely 
relies on remotely sensed measurements of a part of the di- 
urnal temperature curve without using any spectral bands in 
the frequency range of reflected sunlight. 
As mentioned above the used algorithm cannot compete with 
methods based on reflected sunlight such as the NDVI. But 
the results clearly recommend the use of thermal data as a 
complement to albedo data for classification purposes. 
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with the help of Volker Amann, Peter Hausknecht, Rudolf 
Richter and Manfred Schrôder. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998

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