Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Field Datatype  |Description 
D Line coverage system fields 
cov# Binary Primary Key. The unique identification number of a graphic (line) feature. 
cov-id Binary Foreign Key. The identification number of a garbage repository (in the 
GARBAGE T table). Several graphic features may represent the same 
garbage repository, but measured at different times. 
grb perim |Float (12,3) |The distance around the boundary of the subject item (garbage 
repository) in meters. 
grb area |Float (12,3) |Indicates the total area of the subject item in squared meter [m^]. 
grb width |Float (7,3) |Indicates the width dimension of the subject item in meters. 
grb lengt |Float (7,3) |Indicates the length dimension of the subject item in meters. 
validity Char (1) Validity of the graphic feature to represent the last measured state of the 
garbage repository. (“F" = previous measured state, “T” = last measured 
insp date [Date The date of inspection. 
Figure 5: Structure of the AAT table of the main line coverage. 
Field Datatype  |Description 
cov-id Binary Primary Key. The unique identification number of a garbage repository. 
grb name |Char (30) |A commonly used name for the subject item (garbage repository). 
grb active |Char (1) Status of a subject item. (“F" = abandoned, “T" = active). 
comment [Char (240) |Additional comments. 
image val |Integer A numeric identification of a raster element in an image that represents 
this type of subject item. 
Float (14,6) |The x component of the central coordinate point for the subject item. 
Float (14,6) |The y component of the central coordinate point for the subject item. 
Figure 6: Structure of the GARBAGE T table. 
Thomas M. Lillesand & Ralph W. Kiefer, 1987: 
Remote sensing and image interpretation. 
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 
Oluié, M., 1996: Daljinska istraZivanja u 
zbrinjavanju otpada, Waste Management - 
Zagreb'96, IV International Symposium, 28-41 
Method, 1992, ESRI Inc., Redlands 
Nicholas M. Short, 1997: Remote Sensing 
and Photo Interpretation, Goddard Space 
Flight Center, NASA 
Landsat Thematic Imagery, EOSAT, Lanham, 
Maryland, SAD 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 239 

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