Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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sion hazards as well as to the mapping of urban climate. An 
appraisal of urban greenery is eminently feasible. The vitali- 
ty of roadside vegetation can be determined, and parklands 
cleanly subdivided into meadows and woodlands. The prin- 
cipal classes of urban biotope mapping can be very effecti- 
vely determined in the IRS colour composite, whilst sub- 
classes are only recognisable in individual instances. This 
underlines the high value of the data for the up-dating of 
biotope mapping, it being possible for instance to signifi- 
cantly reduce the extent of fieldwork. 
5.4 Surveying 
The setting-up of the first stage of ATKIS at a scale of 
1:25,000 (survey scale 1:10,000) in Germany has now 
been concluded. The survey departments’ study group 
(AdV) is currently elaborating procedures for up-dating the 
digital data inventory. The up-dating of ATKIS vector data is 
to be effected by means of on-screen digitalisation on un- 
derlaid ortho aerial images at a scale of 1:10,000. Presup- 
posing the need for a resolution at 1:10,000 scale, a neces- 
sary ground resolution of approx. 2 m is arrived at. Accor- 
dingly, the IRS-1C data would be unsuitable for up-dating 
the ATKIS data inventory. 
In-house studies, however, suggest that, given accurate 
rectification, it is possible to achieve good delimitation of 
lands with IRS-1C data - a precondition for object formation 
- and also the locational accuracy of 3 - 5 m required by 
ATKIS. An awkward area is the discernibility of narrow 
(O ANTRIX, SIE, Euromap Neustrelitz 
Figure 2: IRS-1C PAN with ATKIS overlay (citing a rural area) 
linear features such as tracks, especially where these are 
Whereas the ATKIS survey is conducted by land surveying 
departments, urban surveying departments obviously need 
to elaborate larger scales. Nevertheless, it is usual to pu- 
blish a digital survey map on a scale of 1:25,000 at the 
same time as drawing up and up-dating the digital munici- 
pal map on a 1:500 scale. The former is surveyed indepen- 
dently of spatia! reference levels SRL 1 (1:500) and SRL 2 
(1:10,000) at SRL 3 (1:25,000). An IRS colour composite 
represents an excellent basis for the up-dating of this map. 
The required locational accuracy of 3 m can also be ad- 
hered to given accurate rectification (using a relief model 
where the terrain is uneven). 
5.5 Landscape Planning 
IRS-1C colour composites form a good basis for generating 
up-to-date cartographical foundations to underpin visual 
interpretation and further mapping functions relating to 
landscape planning. By overlaying colour composites with 
existing geoinformation, the planner is able to acquire visu- 
al information in the first instance that extends beyond what 
is contained in the existing data. A panchromatic IRS image 
with road, track and waterway networks (ATKIS linear ob- 
jects) superimposed serves as an excellent survey chart for 
terrain mapping work. As a result, construction develop- 
ments not yet recorded in ATKIS can be rapidly identified 
for example (see Fig. 2) Some utilisation types such as 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 255 

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