Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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processing steps described in the following chapters can 
be based both on relatively or absolutely calibrated 
images. By following this approach any future success in 
image calibration can be incorporated into the monitoring 
4.4 Classification and Signature Analyses 
llection of ground truth 
For the classification and change detection detailed 
information on the parameters to be monitored is 
indispensable. Additionally, ground truth information is 
necessary to validate the performance of the different 
image normalisation and calibration methods. The ground 
information to be included was derived from aerial 
photographs for two reasons: First because there are 
sufficient suitable photographs available of the areas to 
be investigated and secondly, because these are very 
well suited to bridge the gap between satellite images and 
the actual state of the ground. 
As a first step of the classification procedure forest masks 
are created by applying threshold values for each 
acquisition date. The mask to be used for the 
classification of the forest parameters (classification 
mask) is derived by overlaying the multitemporal forest 
masks. Since also open forests (clear cuts, deforested 
areas due to storm, insects, fire, etc.) have to be 
considered areas which are covered by forests at least at 
one of the image acquisition date (OR-Operator) will be 
included into the classification mask. The result of this 
procedure will then be a classification mask consisting of 
areas which are 
e covered by forests at all acquisition dates 
e areas which are open at acquisition date t1 and closed 
at acquisition data t2 
e and areas which are closed at acquisition date t1 and 
open at acquisition data t2. 
Basically, a separation of closed forest and non-forest 
using satellite data is possible. However, using the 
signatures only, it is not possible to separate areas with 
severe or total deforestation with vital and lush grass 
vegetation from some agricultural areas, like grassland. 
Therefore, a multi-temporal approach as described above 
is necessary in order to support the separation of forest 
and non-forest. 
As the next step, a supervised maximum likelihood 
classification is applied for each image, which provides 
pixel-wise classification results for each acquisition date. 
For the classification the TM-bands 2,3,4 and 5 or the 
SPOT-bands 2,3 and 4 were selected. The classified 
categories are 
e forest density 
* forest types 
* age classes 
The classification of the calibrated images taken at 
different dates are performed by using only the 
signature statistics calculated from training areas 
selected from one of the multi-temporal data sets. The 
use of different signature statistics calculated from multi- 
temporal sets of independently selected training areas 
should not be used since 
e itis hardly possible to delineate exactly the same area 
in two data sets in practice 
e itcannot be guaranteed that these training areas have 
not changed 
e ground truth is not in general available for different 
acquisition dates. 
The results of the classification now are different data 
sets providing information on the distribution of the forest 
classes at different times. The classification results will 
then be used for interpreting the change of spectral 
signals as described in the next chapter. 
4.5 Calculation Change Vector 
In a next step the change vector of the actual and the 
historical image is calculated in order to detect the 
changed areas. The calculation of the change vector can 
be based either on single pixels or on larger areas such 
as systematically applied windows or specific forest areas 
whereby the latter requires additional GIS information on 
the distribution of forest units. In the following both 
procedures (single pixels and larger areas) will be 
Change vector based on single pixels 
Several change detection methods have been developed 
either based on classified or on calibrated images. À main 
restriction for the application of change detection methods 
is the position accuracy when overlaying the different 
image data sets. To investigate the resulting 
displacement effects for forest classifications we 
performed a displacement simulation for a actual forest 
classification. The simulation was carried out by shifting 
the forest type classification (for three classes) 0.5 pixel to 
east and 0.5 pixel to north which was assumed to be the 
optimal geometrical accuracy level to be reached by 
parametric geocoding of satellite images. The 
superposition error resulting from the presumed image 
distortion of 0.5 pixels can then be estimated by 
comparing the shifted classification with the original 
classification. The remaining correspondence of both data 
sets in dependence on the different forest types is listed 
in table 2. 
Table 2 has to be interpreted in the following way: If no 
displacement errors occur, then the percentage of the 
comparisons conif. ---> conif. should amount to 100%. But 
in this case only 86.74% of the coniferous pixels still 
belong to the class "coniferous" after the displacement 
procedure. This means that the displacement leads to an 
error of 13.26%. This error splits up into the coniferous 
pixels which are incorrectly displaced into the class 
"mixed forest" (11.17%) and coniferous pixels which are 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 269 

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