Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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for end users. For these very important categories the 
above described procedure can alternatively be 
supported by visual interpretation methods. Herewith the 
classification of the changes can be improved by taking 
into consideration more complex contextual information 
such as texture and shape which is difficult to derive from 
operational classification algorithms to be used for this 
application. However, this process can be very time 
consuming and be therefore expensive, and should be 
limited only to "critical" change categories such as 
reforestration, deforestation and drastic forest damage 
From the results of this study it is to be inferred that the 
monitoring method developed within the projects can offer 
an effective mean of assistance for forestry planning 
tasks. In comparison to conventional methods satellite 
remote sensing represents an ideal instrument for 
objective and standardised monitoring of environmental 
changes. Moreover, compared to other inventory systems 
it offers a highly cost efficient alternative. Further 
advantages are that satellite images can synoptically 
record wider areas, and that using this data it is possible 
to observe the same areas repeatedly which permits 
monitoring over many years. The latter is essential when 
dealing with a sensitive ecosystem such as the Alps. 
However, some shortcomings with respect to data 
processing methods have to be outlined. 
Extremely high geometrical accuracy is one of the most 
important prerequisites for successful realisation of 
monitoring applications. Geocoding of the images, 
therefore, has to meet extremely strict requirements. If 
accuracies achieved from precise parametric geocoding 
are still not sufficient for monitoring tasks, automated 
image matching and co-registration procedures have to 
be applied to the multitemporal data in order to obtain 
geocoded image data sets with acceptable efficiency. 
Efforts in the development of these methods have to be 
undertaken to optimise monitoring applications. 
For quantitative assessment of changes in 
multisensoral/multitemporal remote sensing data sets 
radiometric calibration is required. This necessitates an 
atmospheric correction of the data. In respect of this 
problem many relative and absolute image calibration 
methods have been developed which are mainly 
restricted to one sensor type. However, in reality different 
remote sensing data sets have to be used 
complementary. This is due to the fact that a large scale 
approach cannot rely only on one sensor type due to 
different revisit rates of the satellites and cloud cover 
problems. Therefore, one has to concentrate on the full 
range of this operational systems, but not simultaneously 
in one test area due to data availability and time 
constraints in the project execution. Taking this into 
consideration it can be stated that methods for calibration 
of multisensoral satellite images have to be developed in 
order to be more flexible according to data acquisition. 
Civco D.L. (1991). Topographic normalization of Landsat 
Thematic Mapper digital imagery. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 
Colby J.D. (1991). Topographic normalization in rugged 
terrain. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 531-537. 
Haefner H., Itten I. K., Meier E., Meyer P. and Nüesch D. 
(1992). Correction of the impact of topography and 
atmosphere on Landsat-TM, forest mapping of alpine 
regions. Remote Sensing Series of the Department of 
Geography, University of Zürich, Vol. 18, Zürich 1992. 
Kenneweg, H., Schardt, M., Sagischewski, H., 1996. 
Beobachtungen von Waldscháden im Gesamtharz mit 
Methoden der Fernerkundung. Berlin, im Selbstverlag, 
McCormick, N., Kennedy, P., Folving, S., 1995. An 
integrated methodology for mapping European forest 
ecosystems using satellite remote sensing. Earsel 
Advances in Remote Sens., Vol.4, No.3, p. 87-92. 
Meyer P., Itten K.I., Kellenberger T., Sandmeier S. and 
Sandmeier R. (1993). Radiometric correction of 
topographically induced effects on Landsat TM data in an 
alpine environment. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 17-28. 
Olsson, H., 1993. Regression functions for multitemporal 
relative calibration of thematic mapper data over boreal 
forest. Remote Sens. Environ. 46, p.1-25. 
Olsson, H., 1995. Reflectance calibration of thematic 
mapper data for forest change detection. Int.J.Remote 
Sensing, Vol.16, No.1, p. 81-96. 
Richter R. (1990). Atmospheric correction of Landsat TM, 
MSS and SPOT images: ATCOR user manual, Institut für 
Optoelektronik, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen. 
Sandmeier, S., 1997. Radiometrische Korrektur des 
Topographieeffekts in optischen Satellitenbilddaten - 
Vergleich eines semi-empirischen Verfahrens mit einem 
physikalisch-basierten Modell. Photogrammetrie 
Fernerkundung Geoinformation 1/1997, p.23-32. 
Schardt, M., 1987. Expositionsabhängies 
Reflexionsverhalten von Waldbestánden im Schwarzwald. 
2. DFVLR-Statusseminar: ,Untersuchung und Kartierung 
von Waldschäden mit Methoden der Fernerkundung“, 
DFVLR Tagungsband, p. 328-347. 
Schardt, M., 1990. Verwendbarkeit von Thematic Mapper- 
Daten zur Klassifizierung von Baumarten und natürlichen 
Altersklassen, Dissertation Forstwissenschaftliche 
Fakultät der Unversität Freiburg. 
Schardt, M. and Schmitt, U., 1996. Klassifikation des 
Waldzustandes für das Bundesland Kärnten mittels 
Satellitendaten. Österreichische Zeitschrift für 
Vermessung & Geoinformation, Heft 1/96, 84. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 271 

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