Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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our project the panchromatic images have also been used 
for the geometrically exact determination of the forest 
3.1 Texture Analysis 
Classification of settlements by texture analysis has 
already been used in the past (e.g. Steinnocher, 1997). 
One of the standard algorithms of texture analysis has 
been published by Haralick (1973). In our project we 
apply the Forstner operator (Fórstner, 1991), a well- 
known feature extraction algorithm in digital photogram- 
metric applications. The operator delivers for each pixel a 
measure that indicates firstly whether a directional or 
non-directional features has been detected (q-values), and 
secondly whether the feature is more or less prominent 
(w-values). By appropriate threshold settings for q- and 
w-values one is able to distinguish between point features 
such as corners of buildings, individual houses and fields) 
and linear features, i.e. salient edges (such as roads, 
tracks, river banks, field boundaries). Urban areas are 
densely mixed up by point features and linear features. In 
open areas linear features like field boundaries can 
clearly be separated from point features like field corners. 
These peculiarities open the chance to separate 
settlements from fields although both types of features 
can be found in both classes. 
The procedure commences with region growing for point 
features with the condition that they are allowed to 
expand over linear features but not into homogeneous 
areas. In settlements this process causes a significant 
growth of the points to patches, while in agricultural 
regions the expansion is less important. The second step 
Is to remove remaining edge pixels. Eventually a expand- 
shrink operation is applied that causes clumping of areas 
of densely distributed point patches. In that way the 
textural class ,, Settlement has been found. 
3.2 Threshold Analysis 
Forested regions appear rather dark in panchromatic 
images compared to the surrounding areas. Therefore, it 
seemed likely that by thresholding or one-dimensional 
classification forest could be detected or at least separated 
form neighbouring classes. A global threshold does not 
deliver expected results as forests do not form uniformly 
grey areas. They may be dark at the one boundary and a 
bit brighter at the opposite boundary. Therefore focal 
thresholding was a more suitable approach. The process 
begins by selecting appropriate training areas in order to 
find suitable intervals of arithmetic means and standard 
deviation that are typical for the forested areas. The focal 
analysis checks within the focal window whether the 
threshold boundaries are fulfilled thus obtaining the 
thresholded class ,,Forest*. 
We should bear in mind, that this procedure is still a one- 
band classification process and we must not expect that 
the segmentation delivers the correct class assignment in 
all cases. One knows for instance, that also water bodies 
appear very dark in panchromatic images. In fact, the 
above explained threshold algorithm will also classify 
water bodies as forest. This does not cause any real 
problem as water can be clearly and reliably separated by 
the multispectral classification algorithm. As we shall see 
later, none of the classification steps is used alone for the 
final class decision and therefore a contradictory classi- 
fication result will cause either the class assignment by 
the method that is most reliable for the respective class or 
most likely a class assignment after involvement of 
several of the input data sets or the class may be marked 
as not reliable with a ,,to be checked" attribute. 
The following step is the connection of all data in a geo- 
information system (GIS) that allows the application of a 
great variety of decision rules. Input to the GIS (see Tab. 
I) are the results of the multispectral classification, the 
result of the texture analysis, the result of the focal 
thresholding and several sets of the existing DLM: the 
forest layer mask and the so-called situation layer mask. 
Both masks are raster images and have been generated by 
scanning the respective separations of the topographic 
map OeK50 with a pixel size of 2.5 m x 2.5 m ground 
resolution. There exists also a vector layer with the most 
important elements of the transportion network, such as 
freeways, high order roads, railway lines. 
The following table (Tab.1) lists all the imported layers 
that will be available for GIS analysis. 
GIS Layer (abbreviation) Type / Resol. 
Max.Likelih. - highest probability 
(maxlike 1) 
Raster / 25 m 
Max.Likelihood - second highest 
(maxlike 2) 
Raster / 25 m 
Thresholded forest 
Raster / 10 m 
Texture analysed settlement Raster / 10 m 
DLM forest 
DLM situation 
Raster / 2.5 m 
Raster / 2.5 m 
DLM transportation network Vector 
Tab. 1: Layers in GIS 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 275 

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