Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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system and 
1 the water 
m cell, to 
n and loff 
iser beams 
ser beam, 
rojected at 
ained on a 
t (thermal 
3 CO, laser 
aper. Two 
n tilted to 
s way, the 
alignment af the laser beams has been obtained with an error of 
about 0.1 mrad, corresponding to 0.3 m for a distance of 2 km. 
The second problem regards the collimation device. For the first 
measurements, a manually driven mirror, having a diameter of 
0.4 m, has been used. Due to the telescope configuration 
(Cassegrain type), and the presence of the detector in the focus, 
it is difficultous to control the collimation line. Two graduated 
circles allow to roughly read azimuth and vertical angles of the 
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0: 360* i e 
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Iron Framework 
Figure 8: Coelostat 
The results of a set of angular measurements, obtained using the 
HeNe laser beam, showed standard deviations equal to about 
one sexagesimal degree. 
To obtain a better accuracy, and to drive remotely the laser 
beams, a coelostat has been deigned and realized (See Figure 8). 
It will be mounted on the existing iron framework on the roof of 
the laboratory. 
Two motors allow the rotation of the whole coelostat around the 
vertical telescope axis, and of the second mirror around a 
horizontal axis. The movements are geared down, to have a fine 
collimation, and the motors are computer driven. 
In the next months, some measurements are foreseen, using 
vapour targets (exhaust on the chimney of a thermal power 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
A set of measurements is also foreseen, to check the angular 
accuracy of the coelostat. 
A mobile system has been designed and will be realized, 
allowing a mapping of large zones and measurements in peculiar 
sites (thermoelectrical power plants, factories, etc..). 
A positioning system, using GPS and an inertial system, will be 
set up. The results of the measurements will be used to set up a 
GIS for the atmospheric parameters. 
To check the geometric accuracy of the DIAL station at the 
University of Calabria, both range and angular measurements 
have been realized, and the results have been compared with 
total station measurements. The geometric accuracy of the DIAL 
system is generally sufficient for the range measurements, 
whilest the angular accuracy can be improved. A new coelostat 
has been built and will be mounted, to ensure a better angular 
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Palucci A., Habel R., Cappai 
M., A.Sollai, Bellecci C., Artese G., De Donato F., Frangella G., 
Zupo M.S., Giardini Guidoni A., Morone A., Snels M., 1991. 
Una iniziativa integrata di telerilevamento laser in Italia. II 
' Nuovo Saggiatore, 7 (4), pp. 30 - 37 
Bellecci C., Artese G., De Donato F., Zupo M.S., 1991. Tecnica 
DIAL per il telerilevamento di parametri atmosferici di interesse 
ambientale. Proceedings of the IV National Congress of the 
Italian Society of Echology, Cosenza, Italy. 
Bellecci C., De Donato F., Gaudio P., Valentini M.,1993. The 
CO2 LIDAR/DIAL facility at the University of Calabria for 
atmospheric pollution remote sensing. Proceedings 1st National 
Symposium on Environmental Physics, Brescia, Italy. 
Measures R.M., 1984. Laser Remote Sensing. John Wiley and 
Sons, New York. 
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