of dynamic change maps, using satellite 2) This study had a new try for the valua
remote sensing approach. The study result application of the remote sensing techniques searc
will be a great practical and referential value — in the area of land planning , management 3)
for this city land planning and management and adjustment of Urumgi city. The gained of thi
department to understand the changes results ‚methods and problems encountered area,
occurred on each land use type in that will be a great use for reference, and as fo
period of time. provided important technical parameters and -T
| Draw up research plan | appe:
: 1/2.
| Input TM images (each period) | 2
| Data compression(band select) | decre
- by 3e
| Geometric correction | aoa
[ a | from
- Tt
© Image 22 color | green
| Set up land use system for city |
| Make land use classification |
|Change detection for land use typd
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| Dynamic analyses of city land use changes |
| Conclusions a]
Fig 1. flow of study procedrue
282 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998