Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

| For lo 
Band um | Band um t 
; —— spectr 
Multispectral 4m | Multispectral 1 m ta” 
1  0.420-0.450 
| , There: 
1 Blue 0.450-0.530 2  0.450-0.520 natic 
| I 
2 Green 0.520-0.610 | 3  0.520—0.600 | . 
| image 
4  0.605—0.625 | 
5 0.630-0.690 | Nume 
3 Red 0.640-0.720 from t 
6  0.695-0.750 et al 
4 NIR 0.770-0.880 | 7  0.760—0.900 | Patter 
8 0.910-1.050 | (1996) 
9  1550-1.750 | 
ing of 
10 2.080-2.350 | the tw 
Th.IR 8.500-13.000 | the ge 
sm | ( 
De ^ ati . 
Panchromatic 1m | is a pi 
Pan 0.450-0.900 | : 
an ws "T this to 
| rather 
Table 1: The expected spaceborne BONS spectral bands? and image 
he actual airborne DAEDALUS spectral bands. : 
the actual airborne D pec d ticulai 
is not : 
2 X01 ; tispect 
called ‘whisk broom’ - line scanners and the large swath f p 
orm a 
angle of +43°, the ground resolution degrades to 1.4m 
towards the image margins. Hence the images have a 31 1 
resolution of 1 m on average, in all 10 spectral bands. | 
; , nt. The fir 
For all environmental image analysis purposes it is es- spectr: 
. . . Ds « 
sential to have a spectral band in the near infrared tral4t 
(NIR). There, vegetation has a very high reflectance and ixel 
Ah T ; pixels 
is the most distinct from non-vegetation land cover. Also, This re 
plant health and plant stress show up in the increase of filled v 
reflectance between the red and the NIR. Therefore we MS, 
. . ~ : m^ 
have simulated photograph-like CIR images, where the structa 
spectral bands of Green, Red and the (invisible) Near an int 
Infrared (G,R,NIR) are coded by Blue, Green and Red pixels 
(R,G,B), respectively, and merged into composite pseudo- much : 
. 1 * 
color images. 
g For th 
f a . : : . 2 ti S 
The specifications of the new high resolution satellites onu 
(see Table 1 for an example) indicate that the 1 m resolu- 
tion will only be reached for panchromatic imagery. The 
spectrally resolved bands will come in a spatial resolu- An oft 
tion of only 4m. | panchi 
(or HS 
We have simulated both the panchromatic full resolution ; 
; ; RGB ii 
image (by weighted average of the spectral bands), and : 
the spectral band images (by averaging each 4 x 4 pixel h 
M abu. ; £11 fie anchr 
window into one new pixel). Results are shown in Fig. 1 p ki 
A i N s ack ir 
for a small nature reserve near Nürnberg, Germany. 
to wor| 
for SP 
are sti 
such a 
We no! 
| can be 
of thre 
: RGB ir 
Postscript and PDF versions of this paper containing the color images E ju c ; | et al. ( 
can be downloaded from http:/ | » : ‘ Pan hroma | c ima (inn). of 1 all n: Lux à reserve around a | clearly 
kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/projects/censis/publications html lake near the aii | : 1 ] simu- i 
“Source: Space Imaging EOSAT (http://www.spaceimaging.com) lated color infrare 4 m. ions. 
286 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Pa Budapest, 1998 | 

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