> around a
and simu-
n 4m.
For local environmental applications we need both the
spectral resolution (i.e., at least three distinct spectral
bands such as G,R,NIR) and good spatial resolution.
Therefore, a fusion between the well resolved panchro-
matic and the four times coarser multispectral satellite
images is necessary.
Numerous efforts have been made to fuse data received
from the same scene by different sensors (see e.g. Shen
et al. (1994), Darvishsefat (1995), Zhukov et al. (1995),
Patterson et al. (1996), Peytavin (1996), Zhukov et al.
(1996)). Particular respect has been paid to the merg-
ing of image data with differing spatial resolution. If
the two sensors do not operate from the same platform,
the geometric rectification and registration of the images
is a prerequisite to data fusion. Experience has shown
this to be a relatively easy process for satellite imagery
(stable orbits and altitudes, small swath angles), but a
rather cumbersome procedure for airborne line scanner
imagery (flight track and altitude variations). In the par-
ticular case of the expected high resolution satellites this
is not an issue since both the panchromatic and the mul-
tispectral image data are recorded from the same plat-
form at the same time.”
3.1 Interpolation of the MS4,-Imagery
The first step is the magnification of the 4 m pixel multi-
spectral image by a factor 4 in order to yield a multispec-
tral 4 m resolution MSy,,-image with the same number of
pixels as the panchromatic 1 m resolution PAN, ,-image.
This requires a resampling where the missing pixels are
filled with nearest neighbor values, so that the resulting
MSsm-image shows clearly the underlying 4 x 4 pixel
structure (see Fig 1, lower image). Alternatively, using
an interpolation scheme for computation of the missing
pixels instead of using nearest neighbor values yields a
much more satisfactory MS;nterp-image (see Fig. 3, top).
For this paper we employed two-dimensional interpola-
tion using tensor-product cubic B-splines (de Boor 1978).
3.2 Fusion by IHS Transformation
An often applied fusion procedure is the merging of
panchromatic with three-color RGB imagery in the IHS
(or HSV) color space (Kraus 1990, Albertz 1991). The
RGB image is transformed into Intensity, Hue, and Sat-
uration; the Intensity is replaced by the high resolution
panchromatic image; and then the image is transformed
back into the RGB color space. This technique is known
to work well for moderate resolution ratios (such as 1:3
for SPOT + LANDSAT TM, 10m and 30m). The results
are still helpful but less reliable for resolution ratios
such as 1:20, e.g. for fusion of SPOT color images with
panchromatic aerial photography (Ersbgll et al. 1997).
We note, however, that fusion by HSV transformation
can be applied only to multispectral imagery consisting
of three bands, since the image has to be coded as an
RGB image before fusion can take place. Moreover, Prinz
et al. (1997) have shown that the IHS-fusion results are
clearly inferior to fusion using relative spectral contribu-
3.3 Fusion by Relative Spectral Contributions
A simple fusion method which preserves the relative
spectral contributions of each pixel but replaces its over-
all brightness by the high resolution panchromatic im-
age works as follows:
(1) PSM;.,. = MSinterp * = um (for each pixel and
\nterP each spectral band)
* (MS4m)
2 m=P m'a
(2) PSM, SM, (PSMz,.)
where PSM1m is the resulting panchromatic-sharpened
multispectral 1m image, MSjnterp is the cubic spline-
interpolated image of a particular spectral band of the
multispectral image set, PAN, is-the high resolution
panchromatic image, and PANiuterp is a panchromatic im-
age created by averaging the three bands of the interpo-
lated multispectral image MSinterp.
The first equation describes the replacement of the
coarse resolved panchromatic image PANinterp by the fine
resolved panchromatic image PAN;,. Then, for each
spectral band, the temporary result PSM1,,, is adjusted
such that the mean spectral value (PSMip) of the final
fusion result PSM 1m is the same as the mean (MS4m) for
the spectral band of the original MS4n-image.
In the first equation the quantity MSinterp/ PANinterp de-
scribes the relative contribution of each spectral band
to the overall brightness of a pixel. This relative con-
tribution, i.e., the chromatic information, is preserved
by the multiplication with the spatially better resolved
panchromatic PAN;,,-image.
The result of an application of this technique to the ex-
amplary image shown here can be seen in Fig. 3 (lower
3.4 Spectral Class Specific Fusion
The simple fusion method described above can be re-
fined by a modification of equation (2). First the original
coarsely resolved multispectral MSn,-image is classified
into k spectral classes using an unsupervised k-means
clustering algorithm (Richards 1993, Wiemker 1997).
The alignment of the mean spectral values is then car-
ried out for each spectral band and each spectral class we
individually (c = 1...k). Let ri(z.) be the reflectance
value of spectral band £ for a specific pixel x. € we
belonging to class w. . Then the reflectance values are
aligned to the mean value (r;(MS44)).« of their specific
spectral class we :
(3) ri(PSMın) = ré(PSMim) + EME
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 287