Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

ha, which is 
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f land cover 
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nd cover» 
nd grazings 
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the photo 
1c region of 
technics of 
fication by 
of distance) 
hers data as 
Auxilhary Data 
(Agricultural statitics) 
Remote Sensing Data 
(high resolution) 
Terrain Informations 
Pattern Recognization 
Soil Occupation 
Fig. 1: Methodological approach. 
The classification being important, we defined several layers in 
which will be taken different samples to investigate. Several 
criterias as the type of met cultures. the parcels structure, the 
localization, allowed us to establish this stratification, which 
allowed us to define 7 layers in a first time: 
= cercal zoncs: 
= markets zones; 
- Courses; 
= Bare soil. 
- Forests; 
— Reforcstations; 
= agglomcrations. 
In order to get optimal classification, the image processing is 
donc according to two approaches which were compared: 
< a so-called supervised approach (classification by maximum 
Likelihood or classification by minimum of distance): 
= an approach no supervised (dynamic cloud). 
For the first approach. thc selection of the test parcels was made 
on onc hand, to lcave some information collected on the ground 
and on the other hand. from the image of color composite. Two 
algorithms of supervised classification were tested, maximum 
Likelihood and minimum distance (Fig. 2). 
Orpunal Data (SPO) 
SPOT Data Masked 
Supervised Classiticaton 
(Maximum [ikelihood and Minimum 
: fier 
analv sis 
10 Classes 
Image classified of 
soll occupation 
Fig. 2: Supervised classification (treatment by pixel). 
The radiométric characteristic of the different cultures was 
determined from the analysis of the whole test parcels defined 
previously. We choose the most homogencous possible and 
rejected samples which present an important tv pe eap. in order to 
avoid the risks of confusion. 
4.1 The results obtained: 
The supervised classification chosen is the one of maximum 
Likelihood of the XS channels with a mask which allowed us to 
eliminate all what is not vegetation in our region of survey. 
Indeed, this mask was achieved bv using a vegetation index 
(NDVI). This indication allowed us to conceal all the non 
agricultural part where the chlorophyll vegetation is absent 
(image 3). 
image 3: NDVI range betw cen 140-180. 
We determined a threshold on this image thereafter in such a way 
to take into consideration the classes which interest us. This 
classification gave the following results: 
N° Classes Nbre. Pts % image Strate agr. 
0 Non classified 677258 64.59% - 
| Cereals G.Y 52436 5.00% 14.12% 
2 Cereals W.Y 303531 28.95% 81.74% 
3 Courses ] 0.00% 0.00% 
5 Bare soıl 1639 0.16% 0.44% 
6 Forest 776 0.07% 0.21% 
7 [rriguated zones 12935 1.23% 3.48% 
Total 1048576 100% 100% 
Array 4: Result of the classification by maximum Likelihood of 
the XS channels (+ NDVI mask). 
The masked region represents 677 258 pixels of the total image 
ic : 64.59% (Array 4). On the 371318 classified pixels we notice 
that 95.86% is occupied bv the two classes of cereals. These 
results reflect the cercal aspect of the zone. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 295 

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