Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

The numbered results of this image, show us that thc cercals in a 
general manner was well represented with a surface of 33.95% of 
the image, distributed in two classes; cereals good output 
(5,00%) and cereals weak output (28.95%). Note that this 
classification gave good results in spite of the error rate which is 
of 1.46% (Array 4). 
4.2 Estimation of the classification: 
We calculate with the aid of the matrix of confusion. the 
percentage of pixels well classified, as well as the statistics of 
classification. We notice that the percentage of pixels well 
classified for the class cereal good vield is of 73.74% (Array 6). a 
number of pixels of this class arc matched with the classes cereal 
weak yield and reforestation (Array 5). The other classes appear 
well represented with some percentages of pixels well classified 
variable between 79.31% and 91.75%. 
répartition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Répartition 
Cereals G.Y ac e Rack cM, par ue us 99 
Cereals W.Y 15,093 ^". uie 150 116 
Courses Ey RN EE RR. 32 
Fallow land IUS. WS COSS V orar PCS 79 
Bare soil Ph ig 789 5 97 
Forest idv cr c UN 110 
Maquis HOP T-IR IPSOM 92 
irrigualed zones - 5 - - - 2? 11 M9 102 
Result. classif. 100 115 45 80 97 110 92 108 747 
Array 5: Confusion matrix of classification by maximum 
With the aid of this matrix we calculate some statistics of 
classification [FOURNIER ct al.] (Array 6): 
— « statistics »: inform us on the classes which were 
overestimated as well as the onc that was under estimated by the 
~ «% of well classified” »: give us the percentage of 
pixcls well classified by class. 
~ «thematic significance” »: allow us to have an idea 
on the part of pixels assigned to the class in question with regard 
to the result of the classification. 
Statistics Statistics % well Thematic 
Classes classified significance 
Cercals GY 101.01% 73.74% 73.00% 
Cercals WY 99.14% 79.31% 80.00% 
Courses 86.54% 61.54% 71.11% 
Fallow land 101.274 86.08% 85.0094 
Bare soil 100,00% 91.75% 91.75% 
Forest 100.0094 81.82% 81.82% 
Maquis 100.00% > 90.22% 90.22% 
Irripuated zones 105.8874 89.22% 84.26% 
Array 6: Descended counts of the matrix of confusion. 
The global percentage of pixels well classified is in the order of 
81.71% this represents a good rate. The assessment of this result 
allowed to note a certain number of errors and imprecisions 
(confusions. overestimates and under evaluations). Many of these 
Statistics = Marge of classification / Marge of. ground truth 
Percent of well classified = Diagonal / Marge of ground truth 
Thematic significance = Diagonal / Marge of result classification 
problems arc du to the fact that the given satellitales monodates 
data present a strong level of spectral confusion between the 
different types of covering. A good precision will be with a 
multitemporal approach. These unprecisions led us to test a 
method of classification bv parcel (fig. 7). 
Images SPOT XS 
Mask agglomération. bad land. 
| Images SPOT masked | 
| mage segmentation | 
1 à Non supervised 
patterns groupmg | 
10 classes 
[ land cover classes 3 
Fig.7: Automatic classification (parcels processing). 
With regard to the previous approach, we masked the zones of 
uncovered soil and water surfaces so that to focus on the 
following processing on the only zones of interest (Fig.7). The 
following phase consists of segmenting image in order to get an 
image in which the homogencous regions separated by continuous 
contours. An automatic classification bv "dynamic clouds" is then 
achieved taking into account. the. XS channels of SPOT and thc 
segment image that wc has just created. 
IMAGE 8: Resulting image obtamed by automatic classification 
296 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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