Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Map Area Image Area 
Label zZ Tr X T 
All 1048576 | 1149.75 | 1048576 71.78 
Road 74916 | 9364.50 271204 69.10 
Building 123880 169.93 262716 50.65 
Grass 743356 | 5718.12 265688 74.59 
Tree 104152 | 8011.69 248932 | 128.98 
Water 2272 71.00 36 9.00 
Table 2: statistics on the morphological property 
area for the regions of each land-cover type identified 
in the classified image and digital map data sets. 
Map Edges Image Edges 
Label # % # % 
All 1994 | 100.00 | 62268 | 100.00 
Road 69 5.77 | 17622 28.30 
Building 882 73.86 | 19056 30.60 
Grass 987 82.66 | 16340 26.24 
Tree 19 1.59 9244 14.84 
Water 37 3.00 6 0.009 
Table 3: Number and percentage of adjacency edges as 
a function of land-cover type in the classified image and 
digital map data sets. 
than that of a corresponding digital map. 
Figures 3 and 4 highlight the problems described above. 
Clearly, the road and building regions identified in the 
image bear only a partial resemblance — in terms of geo- 
metrical, morphological and spatial structure — to their 
counterparts in the digital map data (Figure 1). Thus, 
while much of the real road network is correctly clas- 
sified in the image, many other ‘road’ regions are also 
identified: a similar effect is evident for the building 
class. Some of this ‘clutter’ is an accurate representa- 
tion of the complex spatial pattern of land cover in the 
scene, identified because of the very high spatial resol- 
ution of the image data. The remainder, however, rep- 
resent errors of omission and commission in the initial 
land-cover classification. Regardless of which is actually 
the case, the presence of these ‘clutter’ regions complic- 
ates the apparent structural composition of the scene. 
What is required, then, is some means of identifying the 
‘clutter’ regions and removing them through a process 
of re-labelling (i.e., assigning them to another land-cover 
category), such that the resultant data set exhibits a sim- 
pler, realistic, more interpretable structural composition. 
The process of removing structural clutter from a land- 
cover image can be performed by means of a reflexive 
mapping in which each of the pixels in a clutter region is 
assigned an alternative land-cover label — one that res- 
ults in a more credible structural composition for that 
part of the image. It is possible to use per-pixel, mov- 
ing window (i.e., kernel-based) techniques — such as 
a simple, majority filter (Gurney and Townshend 1983) 
— to perform this type of operation. However, Barns- 
ley and Barr (1997) note that kernel-based techniques 
have a number of inherent limitations, including the dif- 
ficulty of selecting a priori the optimum kernel-size and 
the fact that both the pixel and and the kernel are ar- 
bitrary spatial constructs which bear little resemblance 
to the geometric form of the principal spatial entities in 
the corresponding scene. In view of this, we have de- 
veloped an alternative approach, based on an analysis 
of the morphological property area and the spatial re- 
lation adjacency of multi-pixel land-cover regions iden- 
tified in the image and represented in the XRAG data 
The procedure makes two assumptions: first, that clut- 
ter regions can be separated from non-clutter regions 
through an analysis of their area; second, that clutter 
regions are adjacent to at least one non-clutter region, 
such that if the clutter region was re-assigned the land- 
cover label of the non-clutter region it would result in 
a more credible structural composition in that part of 
the image. Thus, for example, a small road region which 
was disjoint from the main road network, but spatially 
adjacent to a building region, might reasonably be con- 
sidered to form part of that building and would be re- 
labelled accordingly. In examining the first of these two 
assumptions, consider the frequency distribution of re- 
Figure 5, for ex- 
ample, presents data for the road class. It highlights the 
very large number of single-pixel road regions and, more 
gion area for each land-cover class. 
generally, the inverse relationship between the number 
and size (area) of the road regions. The relationship 
is almost perfectly linear, in terms of a log-log plot, for 
regions smaller than 50-100m?; beyond this point the re- 
lationship becomes weaker and more erratic. A similar 
relationship is evident in the data for the building and 
vegetation (grass and tree combined) classes (not presen- 
ted here). It seems reasonable to assume that most, if 
not all, of the very small, often single-pixel, regions rep- 
resent structural clutter, partly because the likelihood 
that an individual pixel is misclassified is comparatively 
high. By the same token, most of the larger regions 
are likely to represent meaningful land-cover parcels, be- 
cause the chances of misclassifying a large, multi-pixel 
region in iis entirety are comparatively low. The prob- 
lem is, however, determining objectively the threshold 
that distinguishes clutter from non-clutter regions. The 
solution adopted here is to compute the first derivative 
of the region-size frequency distribution (Equation 1): 
d m Zr Fo) 
dz r-— ro 
ZT — Zo 
The rationale behind this approach is that the spatial 
structure of land-cover parcels in urban area is typically 
complex, such that the frequency distribution of parcel 
size might be expected to be equally complex and irreg- 
ular (e.g., the distribution for regions larger than 50m? 
in Figure 5). We therefore seek the point at which the 
region-size frequency distribution changes from being a 
monotonic reduction in frequency as a function of area 
(due to the presence of clutter regions), to a more com- 
plex, irregular relationship. This point is identified as 
the smallest area for which f (zo) = 0 (i.e., the first sta- 
tionary point; Figure 6). Using this approach, the area 
thresholds determined for the road, building and veget- 
ation classes are 52m”, 35m” and 32m?, respectively. 
318 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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