Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

corresponded to a thematic category. Therefore the 
density values are the inputs and the class belongings the 
outputs. If the image has n spectral bands (for Landsat 
TM 6 without the thermal infra) the input will contain 6 
values. Having m thematic classes we do have m outputs 
between 0 and 1. These class belongings can be 
interpreted as probabilities distinguishing from the 
mathematical nomenclature they are named as "neural 
Increasing the number of thematic classes the amount of 
necessary neurons also increasing while the network 
parameters grows drastic. This growth has radical effect 
on the Jacobian so we must find more and more powerful 
computers to be able to train these networks. We can use 
an another solution: let's cut the problem into smaller 
tasks that means let's design several independent 
networks! The discipline what is followed is "one 
thematic class — one neural network". From the whole set 
of ground truth pixels we must define smaller but 
representative training sets for all neural nets. It's desired 
that all the class-own pixels should be in the training set 
while the rest should be presented by sampling. With this 
design we'll have "class responsible networks". 
As preliminary tests have shown 3-layer neural networks 
are satisfactory and usable in all classification cases. The 
only little difficulty is the simulation of these networks: 
having ten classes, must be evaluated ten neural networks 
to get a single output for a pixel. Using feed-forward 
networks with the same structure (3 layers — of course 
with different number of processing elements) we can 
transform the networks into an equivalent one. As 
Figure | shows we can put together the networks by 
defining fictive connections, which are easy to be defined 
in weights and biases. 
1st neural network 
—— — MÀ —— —— mn A ee eu 
2nd neural network 
Figure 1 
Transformation of two same structured neural networks 
The bias vectors are the accumulation of the network 
bz. (3) 
where b' is the bias vector of the transformed network, 
b;,b;..b, the bias vectors of the 1“ 2'4 and n® 
independent nets. The weight matrix after transformation 
will be a hyperdiagonal matrix 
edie Wy 
M - : : ee : (4) 
0 0 
where Wi, W;...W, are the weight matrices of the current 
layer for the input networks. There's only an exception: 
the first layer, where the derived matrix is defined as 
W; =[W, W, … W,] (5) 
because all the input intensities must be feed into all 
The described transformation has three important 
+ the maintenance of the classification networks is 
getting much simple; there's only a single 
network to store and simulate 
+ after the training of the independent networks 
it’s totally flexible which “subnets” is to collect 
for the simulation 
+ simulating just one network instead of several 
ones there's a sensible speed acceleration of the 
network simulation. 
2.2. Elements of fuzzy logic 
Fuzzy logic operates with extended set memberships. 
There aren’t only two belongings, 0 and 1 but infinitely 
lot in this range. The logic basing on the new set theory 
has own basic functions for OR, AND, NOT and for all 
further derivable functions. L. A. Zadeh gives the mostly 
used definition: 
AND(x,,, x) = min( 44, (x), 4, (x) 
OR(X 4, Xp) = max(u (x), ug (x)) 
NOT (x) =1- (x) 
Fuzzy decision making is a very efficient use of fuzzy 
logic. In the decision making there’re further AND-type 
functions defined, the most interesting one is the 
Zimmermann-Zysno which is a kind of combination of 
AND and OR: 
[4,09 us CO] = {0 = p00) - 65 CON 
324 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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