Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

0 0 0 
ve ams! (2) a + & dk - 
am, ot ok (5) 
T (m; T (Morr 0 K°) 
where dm,,, di and dk are the unknowns of the 
observation equation (They are corrections to approxi- 
mate values of M, ( and k. The superscript ° indicates 
that for function f the approximate values have to be 
applied. ) 
«secondly, provide approximate values for the unknowns 
as initialisation. It is rather simple to estimate those 
values as the expected ideal values are known: 
m,,~128, (=0 and k=1 are appropriate choices (i.e. the 
values for an ideal Lambertian reflector with an average 
greyvalue of 128) 
The adjustment process is iterative. The approximate 
values of the current step (n) are corrected by the solutions 
for dm_,,, di and dk, thus leading to the new approximate 
values for the following step (n+1). The iteration process 
terminates when the correction values fall below a given 
threshold [e.g.: Albertz et al., 1989]. 
Independent of the size of the image the solution will always 
be very fast due to the small equation system and to the 
rather good convergence behaviour as practical tests 
demonstrated. In most cases not more than three to five 
iterations are necessary. The number of observation 
equations depends on the iclasses for which the greyvalue 
means are to be calculated. For 10? intervals of ij, for 
instance, ten observation equations may be obtained (1*' for 
the interval from 0° to 10°, 2™ for 10° to 20°, ..., 9" for 80° to 
90° and 10" for above 90°). It turned out advantageous to 
eliminate the flat as well as the very steep terrain regions 
from the adjustment. This can easily be done by calculating 
a slope image, which usually exists anyway in the course of 
the calculation of j, and eliminate all areas with slopes below 
and above a certain threshold. Very often flat areas contain 
much more and some rather different object types than 
slopes (see lakes in our example for instance) and thus 
may confuse the algorithm while it does not do any harm if 
observations are missing for a small interval of i as the 
correction function will bridge this gap anyway. By excluding 
steep slopes also all those virtual slopes will be excluded 
that may occur on the edges of the DTM image or that may 
occur even in rather flat terrain due to a possibly coarse 
discretisation of the elevation values. Also those ;classes 
should not be taken into consideration that do not contain a 
given minimum number of pixels. 
The advantage of the adjustment procedure is the con- 
current delivery of accuracy values of the fitting process. 
Beside the mean error (0, = VEVA/(n-u), where n is the 
number of observation equations and u=3 is the number of 
unknows) one also can easliy obtain the mean errors for the 
unknowns (0, 9, and o,). If necessary the actual residuals 
v, for each individual observation may be calculated, too. 
For the topographic normalisation one just needs to apply 
the correction function (4a) to the original image: 
cor 7 9i x - gi 
g g (e+ (1-0)-coski) 
Each pixel of the image will be corrected according to the 
incidence angle on its location. The mean values within 
each incidence class of the corrected image will then be 
approximately the same. One should be aware that together 
with the correction of the mean values also the standard 
deviations are affected. We'll come back to this later. 
In order to estimate the influence of the inaccuracy of the 
parameters, the correction term K (see equ. 4a) has to be 
partially derived with respect to its parameters ¢, k and | 
(equation 8): 
eK. K?- (t - 1): cos*i-In(cos) 
Sé - K?-(cos*i - 1) (8) 
= = K?-(1 -0): k:cos* ' i: sini 
From this derivatives one can easily obtain the root mean 
square error of the topographically corrected greyvalue by 
retire ie 
ok ol 9i (9) 
where o, and o, can be obtained by the adjustment proced- 
ure and o, can be estimated from the DTM accuracy. By 
analysing the above formula it becomes obvious that the 
accuracy of normalisation deteriorates rapidly towards 
A practical example should prove the suitability of the 
presented correction model. The terrain heights of the 
“Salzkammergut” test area range from some 400 m to 
1800 m a.s.l. The image is a Landsat TM scene from 
September 1991 (see Fig.2). The digital terrain model was 
available as 16bit-integer intensity image with directly coded 
terrain heights. From the DTM image have been derived 
- a slope image (used for the calculation of i and for the 
exclusion of flat and very steep areas) 
- and - together with the given sun position - the cos- 
The image has been classified into seven incidence classes 
(0-15°, 15-30°, 30-45°, 45-60°, 60-75°, 75-90°, >90°), the 
mean values and standard deviations were calculated for 
each spectral band (except band 6), obtaining e.g. for band 
1 and 4: 
12 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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