Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

A ue ess ss Ces ES ee CL KA ECTETUR ail 
Bottom: Ratio values relative to the dry snow scene of 16.01.93. 
the snowfree scene of 10.07.93. 
The two sequences of wetness maps for the 
melting period 1993 as deduced from the SAR- 
data are represented in Fig.4. Applying the 
change detection method, an almost snowfree 
scene (10.7.93) respectively an almost com- 
plete dry snow scene (16.1.93) were used as 
reference to calculate the ratio values. A 
threshold value of -0.5 dB was selected to 
achieve comparable results. The pronounced 
topography allows an easy localization of the 
lower snow boundary, and hence a  recon- 
struction of the total snowcover. Furthermore, 
the ascending of the snowline and the increas- 
ing extent of the wet snow with the progres- 
sion of the melting season can be recognized 
clearly. A comparison of the two sequences 
allows the conclusion, that both reference 
scenes are suitable for such a change detec- 
tion and produce quite similar results. 
Fig. 5. illustrates the results of the simple 
fusion model, showing the subset of the RGB 
images before and after the fusion pocedure. 
Fig. 5: Testsite GRISONS: Subset of RGB image 
before (left) and after (right) data 
fusion process. The situation of the 
snowpack is representative for mid- 
May, 1993 
EO data still are most suitable for snowcover 
mapping in high mountain areas. The sensor 
system with its specific ground resolution has 
to be selected according to the areal extent 
of the investigated area. But for monitoring 
the melting process SAR-systems are an absolu- 
te necessity, to firstly reach a continuous 
time series, and secondly to retrieve certain 
snow parameters, in particular the wetness. 
Data fusion techniques offer the best potenti- 
al to combine these two systems, and to gain 
more accurate and informative results. The key 
element is to make SAR data applicable and 
operational in mountain areas by using the 
ORA/MORA approach. These new methodological 
tools open up many additional possibilities 
for geoecological research topics and applica- 
tion in high mountain regions. 
This research project has been supported by 
the Swiss Academy of Science (Project 20- 
41889.94). The ERS-1 SAR data were made 
available for AO.CH2 experiment by the Europe- 
an Space Agency ESA. 
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