Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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In the table 1 the uncorrelated and scale invariant indices 
are written in italic underlined letters. 
For the description of amount and size of single areas 
TRAUB 1997 suggested the use of the "Largest Patch 
Index (LPI)* or the “Patch density (PD)", because they are 
uncorrelated and scale independent. The LPI is 
calculating the largest single area in relation to the total 
area of investigation. In contrast to LPI the PD is 
calculating the number of patches per 100 ha. 
The complexity of landscape structures especially of 
border lines will be calculated by the "Landscape Shape 
Index (LSI)' and the "Mean Shape Index (MSI)". Both 
indices are uncorrelated and scale independent. They are 
calculating a value of 1 for an area with a squared border 
line. LSI and MSI increases without limit as the object 
areas become more irregular. 
For the characterisation of structures the “Double Log 
Fractal Dimension (DLFD)" is useful. But this index needs 
a minimum of three objects in the data set. The DLFD is 
scale independent. DLFD approaches 1 for shapes with 
very simple perimeters such as squares and approaches 
2 for shapes with highly convoluted, plane-filling 
The homogeneity of the distribution of object classes in 
the analysed area can be described by the scale 
independent and uncorrelated index of "Interspersion and 
Juxtaposition (IJI). Values near O are describing the 
neighbourhood with only one other adjacent object class. 
If the regarded object is surrounded from all other object 
classes available in the area of investigation than the 
index will reach the value 100. 
The above mentioned calculations have been applied. 
First results showed that a characteristic description of 
the observed landscape structure seems possible using 
hight resolution satellite data. 
The research shows that the use of high resolution 
satellite data in combination with common multispectral 
data can provide a detailled and objective view of the 
landscape unit observed. Additionally Landscape metrics 
describing the structure and topology of objects in the 
landscape offers a additional possibility to described and 
evaluate the landscape unit in comparison with other 
geographic regions. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 375 

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